6/17英文運勢 - 水瓶

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-06-16T11:07

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Some artists - including songwriters, painters, and movie makers - don't know
where their ideas come from. They are often not sure how they first imagined t
heir ideas, but they were somehow there for them when they put pen or paint to
paper, and so on. You may be receiving an inspirational urge today from some
source you can't identify, Aquarius, and it may be quite important to your des
ire to be more fulfilled in life. This may very well be a creative pursuit tha
t you haven't known how to address in the past - but here is your opportunity
to run with it.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-06-19T17:32


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2017-06-16T09:26
我的星座:雙女 遠距離至今九個多月,中間遇到過不少的問題 一直以來我都用我認為的樂觀去看待所有我們之間的問題 瓶男每次遇到考試或要趕作業等壓力很大的時候總會說出累了想分開的話,但卻從不提分 手 我總是告訴自己他只是最近壓力大,因為每次當那個時間過後他又會回來黏著我 昨天又遇到了跟上次相同的狀況,撒嬌的要他說 ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-06-15T23:25
星座天氣:晴天 今天魅力無法擋,因此在職場上做事或談合作都會事半功倍。 感情方面人緣非常旺,建議多參加聚會,相信你是全場矚目的焦點。 幸運色是白色。 -- 本周星座運勢 請注意最近的生活起居是否正常,倘若生理時鐘混亂了,則會導致身體出現狀況, 雖然都是小問題,但是可能一項接一項,會讓你很崩潰。 - ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2017-06-15T20:26
If someone comes to you for advice or direction today, Aquarius, make sure you put on your kid gloves first. You are attracting a sensitive soul to you be ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2017-06-15T09:49
我的星座或生日:1/28瓶女 一直以來都有這個困擾 就是不太懂得如何拒絕別人 即使一開始已經表明無法幫忙 露出為難的表情 但只要對方一直不斷盧我 最後還是會心軟答應 但是答應之後心裡會有很多怨言 怪自己為什麼要替自己找麻煩 看看身邊的人好像都沒這種困擾 常常都是我在跟金牛座的弟弟抱怨這一類的事 他都只會說誰叫 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2017-06-14T22:45
星座天氣:晴天 今天適合和熟悉你工作模式的人合作,彼此會很有默契。 感情方面建議在家約會,例如:兩個人一起做菜;家常的感覺對你們比較有利。 幸運色是白色。 -- 本周星座運勢 請注意最近的生活起居是否正常,倘若生理時鐘混亂了,則會導致身體出現狀況, 雖然都是小問題,但是可能一項接一項,會讓你很崩潰。 ...