6/20 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2020-06-20T11:07

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Are we born with our talents, or do we develop them out of a passion for a cer
tain interest? It could probably happen either way, Pisces, especially for som
eone born as Pisces. When you discover something you find interesting, you div
e into it wholeheartedly learning and immersing yourself in it fully. If you a
re now questioning whether you have enough talent in a particular area to purs
ue a related goal, stop wondering. If you love it enough, then the answer shou
ld naturally be yes. Even natural-born talent can and should be honed and refi
ned with time and dedication. If it is calling you, follow it.

可能兩者都是吧! 特別是雙魚們,當你發現你對某事感興趣,就會全心投入、埋頭學習。
夠的話,答案就是肯定的! 透過時間的推移和投入的程度,天生的能力可以再被磨練、改
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Tags: 雙魚

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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2020-06-22T23:52
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2020-06-27T15:48
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2020-07-01T04:14
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2020-07-03T00:42
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2020-07-07T00:33

6/19 Daily Horoscope

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2020-06-19T14:37
If you are not ready to commit to something today, Pisces, be very clear about what you are thinking and your intentions. You love to learn and discover, ...

6/18 Daily Horoscope

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2020-06-18T11:08
Fantasies are not just a way to escape from the realities of everyday life. Th ey are also a way to imagine the possibilities that are out there in the wor ...

6/18 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2020-06-18T08:11
今日運勢 2020/6/18 (四) 陰 今天會討論到跟未來有關的事,建議聽聽就好,有些藍圖或願景不錯。 感情方面是否有共識對你來說很重要,若你對他的藍圖或願景有被點燃的感覺,代表你們很有緣。 幸運色是綠色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mobile/zodiac ...

6/17 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2020-06-17T07:36
今日運勢 2020/6/17 (三) 晴時多雲 今天會接到海外有關的工作訊息,或友人的問候,跟外界連線感覺很好、很愉快。 感情方面聚少離多是好事,有些人久久不見更有感覺,常見面反而不對勁,你也會發現自己心情反轉很明顯。 幸運色是紅色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com/ ...

魚女昨天跟我分手了 復合有機會嗎

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2020-06-17T05:06
想問問大家 我是射男32。 昨天交往五年的雙魚女27跟我分手了。 事情是這樣的,上週 五一群朋友喝多了玩真心話大冒險。我女朋友當著大家的面爆料說他曾經精神出軌過三次 。 而且有一次正在進行。她說就只是愛上人家但人家根本不知道。 我其實也不太在意, 覺得她這樣也不是犯錯。 但我就想知道是不是我哪裡做的不好讓她不 ...