6/23 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

By David
at 2015-06-22T20:17
at 2015-06-22T20:17
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Capricorn horoscope for Jun 23 2015
You really want to please and impress a certain person or a group of people, b
ut at the same time you really need to also please and impress yourself. You s
hould take priority over the others, Capricorn. If you need approval from outs
ide sources, it may be because you aren't feeling confident enough, and that m
ay be coming across. So if those outside sources are criticizing you or questi
oning you, it may be because they can sense your fear or insecurity. The momen
t you take a stand and allow yourself to be your own best supporter, the other
s will come around.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
You really want to please and impress a certain person or a group of people, b
ut at the same time you really need to also please and impress yourself. You s
hould take priority over the others, Capricorn. If you need approval from outs
ide sources, it may be because you aren't feeling confident enough, and that m
ay be coming across. So if those outside sources are criticizing you or questi
oning you, it may be because they can sense your fear or insecurity. The momen
t you take a stand and allow yourself to be your own best supporter, the other
s will come around.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
All Comments

By Yuri
at 2015-06-26T16:58
at 2015-06-26T16:58

By Megan
at 2015-06-29T08:35
at 2015-06-29T08:35

By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-07-03T19:09
at 2015-07-03T19:09

By Hedy
at 2015-07-05T22:58
at 2015-07-05T22:58

By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-07-10T08:43
at 2015-07-10T08:43

By Victoria
at 2015-07-14T10:00
at 2015-07-14T10:00

By Eartha
at 2015-07-18T15:04
at 2015-07-18T15:04

By Eartha
at 2015-07-19T08:34
at 2015-07-19T08:34

By Liam
at 2015-07-21T10:16
at 2015-07-21T10:16

By Wallis
at 2015-07-21T14:45
at 2015-07-21T14:45

By Kelly
at 2015-07-22T01:04
at 2015-07-22T01:04
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