6/29 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-06-28T13:21

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Capricorn horoscope for Thursday Jun 29

A memory that arises from the past, or a visit to a place that holds deep mean
ing for you, could be possible now, Capricorn. While this may come to you as a
surprise, when it happens, it will fill you with emotion. Don't deny that emo
tion. Embrace it. If you allow yourself to think about it deeply, even though
it may be difficult in many ways, it could be very enlightening in a way that
you really need right now. This experience could actually answer a question ab
out yourself that you may not even know you had.
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版權所有c 每日星座運勢
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posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-06-29T07:06
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-07-02T18:37
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-07-06T14:03
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2017-07-10T12:27
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-07-12T14:08
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2017-07-13T09:45


George avatar
By George
at 2017-06-27T20:33
你的星座:天蠍 你/妳們的關係:同學 想問什麼呢: 我是蠍女。 我跟摩女是同一堂課認識的, 起初對摩女並沒有太大的感覺, 直到課程快要結束後才突然有了好感。 一開始摩女找我討論上課的報告,我回完重要的事之後就對他愛理不理的了。 對他有了好感後,原本想說課程都要結束了,沒緣分的話就這樣吧。 結果有一天 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2017-06-27T15:07
你的星座:水瓶女 你/妳們的關係:曖昧中 想問什麼呢: 6月初在交友軟體認識,上禮拜五晚上有出去看夜景(他說要不要出來,我說好阿我想去 XXX,他就說好 走吧)、禮拜六約出來看電影(他約的),互動阿話題阿 都還不錯,我碰他 ,他不會閃,主動幫我背包包。 但是 不是說魔羯很慢熱嗎????? 最近晚上講電 ...

6/28 Daily Horoscope

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-06-27T05:48
Capricorn horoscope for Wednesday Jun 28 Many people agree that itand#39;s not wise to discuss politics and religion with peo ple whose opinions differ fr ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2017-06-27T00:05
來源:https://goo.gl/rFbrVm 《法塔羅克里福德》6/26~7/2塔羅星座運勢 本運勢請同時參考太陽與上昇星座 摩羯座 寶劍8逆位 寶劍6 權杖6 不管你是不是真的對生活上的一些事情看開或想通都沒有關係。很多事情都需要起點,而 現在就是。 ◎太過在意外界的眼光或看法,只會讓你迷 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-06-26T23:30
我最近懷疑一個魔羯男同事喜歡我 因為覺得他對我的態度實在是很…不自然XD 想上來分享一下這陣子對他的觀察 順便問問版友們這是摩羯的正常現象嗎~ 我跟他不在同一間辦公室,彼此業務上的往來也很少 不過他一個禮拜至少會跑進我們辦公室三次 找其他同事洽公或是跑來找大家聊天 然後我就發現,他進來我們辦公室的時候絕 ...