6/5 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

By Sierra Rose
at 2022-06-04T18:53
at 2022-06-04T18:53
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You are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. You probably don't worry too m
uch about being judged, either. Leo people tend to find it easier to just be t
hemselves. Fitting in seems boring! But this week, try to find common ground a
nd blend in as much as you can with a newfound friend or group of potential fr
iends. It's not that you should deny who you are. It's just that if you start
out gravitating toward shared experiences and opinions, you will be building a
foundation that will form trust, camaraderie, and respect.
你不怕在人群中脫穎而出,可能也不太擔心自己被評論。 身為大獅,往往更容易做自己
。 中規中矩的生活似乎很無聊!
這不是說需要否定自己。 只是,如果你開始分享經驗和觀點,你將建立一個信任、友情
uch about being judged, either. Leo people tend to find it easier to just be t
hemselves. Fitting in seems boring! But this week, try to find common ground a
nd blend in as much as you can with a newfound friend or group of potential fr
iends. It's not that you should deny who you are. It's just that if you start
out gravitating toward shared experiences and opinions, you will be building a
foundation that will form trust, camaraderie, and respect.
你不怕在人群中脫穎而出,可能也不太擔心自己被評論。 身為大獅,往往更容易做自己
。 中規中矩的生活似乎很無聊!
這不是說需要否定自己。 只是,如果你開始分享經驗和觀點,你將建立一個信任、友情
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