7/28 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2020-07-28T09:22

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If you keep too many worries in your head, Pisces, how will you ever fit all t
he happy and hopeful thoughts that you are also in need of? You only have so m
uch room in there, and if you crowd out the good thoughts with worrisome bad t
houghts, then you could descend into a funk. You may think that this is not so
mething you can control, as we are all vulnerable to our circumstances, but ci
rcumstances don't completely dictate our lives. So, take charge of what's in y
our head today, and make it a nicer, happier place regardless of the circumsta

如果你腦中有太多煩惱,雙魚,你要如何擁有現在需要的快樂和充滿希望的想法呢? 好的
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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2020-07-28T17:47
George avatar
By George
at 2020-07-29T17:45
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2020-08-02T23:57
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2020-08-05T12:55
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2020-08-09T02:52
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-08-12T19:48
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2020-08-17T11:43

7/28 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2020-07-28T07:29
今日運勢 2020/7/28 (二) 晴時多雲 今天容易遇到有主見的人,自顧自發號施令,或不聽從他人意見,若要勸告要用委婉的方式,否則對方會更強勢。 感情方面你會成為比較孤僻或有強迫症的人,有自覺要控制自己,否則會把人嚇跑。 幸運色是黃色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.c ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2020-07-27T12:45
太陽或上升雙魚座:有時候你就是過分的在乎,操心別人了。雙魚座們,本周可能要再次 把眼光放在自己身上,當然也有些人是被你冷落的——也許恰好是關心太好,所以你才更 放心,但實際來說可能這部分關心更近的人,此時更需要你的幫助和關心,不如本周聯絡 一下他們,讓關係維繫一下。周一到周三,水星跟火星的負面角度,可能讓你有 ...

Daily Horoscope

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2020-07-27T10:20
When something truly wonderful happens for you - as may be occurring for you n ow, Pisces - you might want to pinch yourself and wonder if you are dreaming ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2020-07-27T00:08
※ 引述《freak243 (g92212)》之銘言: 看發文語氣感覺是豪爽乾脆之人,那我也就不客氣啦。 : 沒有PTT 借朋友的發文 : 2個月前在bar 認識28的魚男 : 後來我隨口說說下週再見啊 沒想到下週他真的出現在我說的酒吧 是刻意出現還是本來那個時間他就是會固定在那裏? 不過的確啦,魚男 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2020-07-26T15:42
沒有PTT 借朋友的發文 2個月前在bar 認識28的魚男 後來我隨口說說下週再見啊 沒想到下週他真的出現在我說的酒吧 之後就是閒話家常聊,回訊息的速度不快,但是也沒有敷衍 有一週我故意超過一天不回他訊息,他就會主動密我 後來有約他出來吃晚餐、去咖啡廳看書(單獨) 因為我也同時認識他10年的兄弟,他兄弟說這個 ...