7/3~7/9本週運勢(Daily Horoscope) - 巨蟹

By Hamiltion
at 2017-07-03T16:10
at 2017-07-03T16:10
Table of Contents
Weekly Overview: Cancer(Daily Horoscope)
From July 3, 2017 thru July 9, 2017
Forest fires can be devastating.
They have the power to level an old-growth forest in no time at all. But fores
t fires can also be a fresh start. From the bed of ash they create, there is a
ll kinds of new growth.
You may feel that you have been through an emotional forest fire of sorts rece
ntly, Moonchild, and this week, you may not be in a happy frame of mind.
But whether you are or not, you have to look at your life philosophically.
There has been some trouble, there has been some loss, but there is a lot of g
ood happening for you, too.
This week you will begin to see what is possible now, and you will recognize t
hat most of what you lost has actually had a positive impact on you afterwards
There may be as many as three new opportunities spaced apart this week.
With each one, you will feel yourself grow stronger and wiser and also more pr
osperous if you recognize your blessing.
他能夠迅速的夷平一片成熟的原始森林, 但森林大火也可以帶來新的開始.
許多新的生命將在此誕生並成長.月之子, 最近你可能會覺得你遭遇到了心靈層面上的森
但不管你是不是這樣覺得, 你都需要冷靜的去檢視你的人生.
可能你曾遭遇過困難, 或曾經失去了甚麼, 但也是有許多好事曾經發生在你身上的.
而且你會開始瞭解到那些你曾經失去的, 後來其實大多都對你有正面的影響.
任何一個機會都會讓你覺得成長且有智慧許多, 亦有機會能得到更多.
From July 3, 2017 thru July 9, 2017
Forest fires can be devastating.
They have the power to level an old-growth forest in no time at all. But fores
t fires can also be a fresh start. From the bed of ash they create, there is a
ll kinds of new growth.
You may feel that you have been through an emotional forest fire of sorts rece
ntly, Moonchild, and this week, you may not be in a happy frame of mind.
But whether you are or not, you have to look at your life philosophically.
There has been some trouble, there has been some loss, but there is a lot of g
ood happening for you, too.
This week you will begin to see what is possible now, and you will recognize t
hat most of what you lost has actually had a positive impact on you afterwards
There may be as many as three new opportunities spaced apart this week.
With each one, you will feel yourself grow stronger and wiser and also more pr
osperous if you recognize your blessing.
他能夠迅速的夷平一片成熟的原始森林, 但森林大火也可以帶來新的開始.
許多新的生命將在此誕生並成長.月之子, 最近你可能會覺得你遭遇到了心靈層面上的森
但不管你是不是這樣覺得, 你都需要冷靜的去檢視你的人生.
可能你曾遭遇過困難, 或曾經失去了甚麼, 但也是有許多好事曾經發生在你身上的.
而且你會開始瞭解到那些你曾經失去的, 後來其實大多都對你有正面的影響.
任何一個機會都會讓你覺得成長且有智慧許多, 亦有機會能得到更多.
All Comments

By Cara
at 2017-07-05T01:50
at 2017-07-05T01:50

By Zenobia
at 2017-07-09T08:51
at 2017-07-09T08:51

By Franklin
at 2017-07-09T18:30
at 2017-07-09T18:30

By Quanna
at 2017-07-11T11:47
at 2017-07-11T11:47

By Ophelia
at 2017-07-13T05:13
at 2017-07-13T05:13

By Quanna
at 2017-07-15T23:30
at 2017-07-15T23:30

By Lydia
at 2017-07-17T07:48
at 2017-07-17T07:48
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