7/31 星座運勢 - 牡羊

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2018-07-31T10:26

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I know that trust is a really important issue for you, but I also know that it works both ways. You may not realize it, but your ruling planet Mars often makes you think you have said things out loud which you have only said to yourself. Ring now to hear why communication is so essential today.



You have a passionate nature, Aries. Sometimes it's difficult for you when other people don't share your exuberance. This is a good time to tone things down a notch. There's some tension in the air, and your enthusiasm only serves to annoy rather than charm, as it usually does. Don't pout. It's only temporary. Tomorrow you'll be the center of attention again and bestowing hugs and kisses to all.

你天性充滿熱情,羊兒們。有時候當其他人不分享你的活力時,這對你來說很難 。今天就收斂一點吧。空氣中有些緊張,你的熱情今天可能只會惹惱別人,而不是如往常般的顯得很有魅力。但別生氣的噘嘴了,這只是暫時的。明天你會再度成為關注的焦點,帶給所有人擁抱和親吻。


It might be difficult to understand when and how to be critical today. In a business or professional context, you'll have it a bit easier, though -- an early morning conflict will force you to look at things in a harsher (more truthful) light. But in terms of relationships, a family event might be difficult to navigate. Err on the side of caution by being more forgiving and patient than you might otherwise be. Loving is more important than being right sometimes.

今天可能會比較難領略到何時該嚴肅一點以及要表現到何種程度。雖然在商業或是專業的場合,這可能會比較容易處理一點 -- 因為一大早的衝突就強迫你看事情更嚴厲(真實)一點。但就家庭關係而言,家庭活動可能就難以引導。盡可能地比你原本來的更寬容與有耐心,寧願過於謹慎也不要冒險犯錯。愛有時是超乎是非對錯的。



Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2018-08-01T20:46
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2018-08-02T15:50
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2018-08-04T10:33
xuanyu0326大這周有點忙 原本麻煩我幫忙翻譯 但我手
機掉了 拖到現在才要來弄 對大家很抱歉 也很感謝你
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-08-07T10:25

Alex是大叔 07/30~08/05 牡羊座本週運勢

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2018-07-30T09:29
太陽或上升白羊座:你的守護星火星從6月底開始逆行,現在已經持續一個月了,在本週火 星的能量與天王星的能量交織在一起——許多白羊座可能很想要借助外力來讓自己“逃避 ”一些事情,這些事情可能來自於你家庭上的壓力(比如跟父母的相處或者是公婆的相處 ),也或者是你有一部分白羊座在經歷了情感或者婚姻上的挫折之後卻 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2018-07-30T00:10
2018/07/30(一)晴 今天人緣很好、人見人愛, 只要你一出馬就可以攻無不克戰無不勝。 感情方面另一半會對你非常體貼, 而單身者也能遇到條件很好的對象。 幸運色是綠色。 ---------------------------------- 是久違的晴天啊(撒花) 不過唐老師的週運勢倒是提醒了羊兒 ...

7/30 星座運勢

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-07-29T22:34
Energy is a very valuable -- and finite -- resource, as you can see in the res t of the world. This is definitely something you should keep in mind in term ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2018-07-29T08:56
謝謝你們 羊版真的很溫暖 每次吐草討拍完就不負責任的跑開 偶爾看看回覆 但一直都收到大家的來信關心 發現自己真的不孤單 從上次發文到現在快一個月了 兩個禮拜前突然下定決心 要不在乎一切的 不在乎旁人眼光的做自己想做的樣子 真的漸漸發覺 這很痛快 想批評就批評 想忽略就忽略 (當然都是對於非惡 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-07-29T01:52
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