7/5 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-07-04T05:57

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Capricorn horoscope for Wednesday Jul 5

You may be trying to forge an understanding with someone who operates on a ver
y emotional level in situations like this. You, on the other hand, tend to ana
lyze and try to find rational explanations for what you don't understand. But
if you two can meet somewhere in the middle, and if you can learn from each ot
her, you stand an excellent chance of connecting in a deeper and more meaningf
ul way, Capricorn. You may not know how to go about this, but if you are open
to conversation, just take cues and learn from the other person.
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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2017-07-04T10:25
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-07-09T03:24
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-07-10T04:40
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-07-12T16:43
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2017-07-14T14:25


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2017-07-03T22:17
來源:https://goo.gl/TLRC9e 《法塔羅克里福德》7/3~7/9塔羅星座運勢 本運勢請同時參考太陽與上昇星座 摩羯座 世界逆位 聖杯9逆位 權杖10逆位 在你還沒有能力去改變現況之前,很多事情你也只能多忍耐。但是還是要多關心自己的身 體狀況,人生就這麼一回,健康沒了就什麼都沒了。 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-07-03T00:45
大家好~小弟雖然不是魔羯(是討人厭的水瓶),但因為最近碰到一個很想瞭解的魔羯女生,所以來魔羯版爬文~ 但是發現好像魔羯女問題好像比較少耶???大家都是問魔羯男比較多,所以男生比較難理解嗎?還是說男生女生都一樣??? 觀察到的現象啦,純粹好奇想聊聊! ----- Sent from JPTT on my ...

7/4 Daily Horoscope

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-07-03T00:07
Capricorn horoscope for Tuesday Jul 4 Even the most skilled and talented dancer must work out and practice to remain good. If a dancer sits day after day ...

關於魔男 ~ 該放棄嗎

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-07-02T23:45
你的星座:天蠍 你/妳們的關係:同事 和他算同事運動後認識變熟的 但只在Line聊大都我找他的~ 但只要有Line他 他都會 回有時也很熱切…只是他去年才分手不知是還沒走出還是怎了…(不是很肯談這部份) 朋友支招讓我問了個問題,if 有女生和你告白你會怎麼樣…當然他沒回 只說為何你 朋友要問。從那之後就 ...

小乖麻 摩羯座2017年7月運勢

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-07-02T22:44
本月關鍵詞:愚者 如果你選擇了和所有人作對,那麼就連同你自己,把自己也當成敵人;如果你誰的話都不 想聽,也不可信,那麼這也包括你自己;如果你不知道如何讓自己看起來更聰明,那就不 妨做一個愚者。我的意思是說你需要讓自己更純粹一些,在無知和愚蠢的盡頭,你將到達 真正的智慧。 事實上在當前的境遇中你很容易處於 ...