8/10 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

By Hazel
at 2015-08-09T14:01
at 2015-08-09T14:01
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Capricorn horoscope for Aug 10 2015
Capricorn horoscope for Aug 10 2015
You may be unhappy about some aspect of your financial situation right now, Ca
pricorn. It may seem that something isn't adding up, and it may be that you're
wondering if there's been suspicious activity in a bank account, or you made
an error in your calculations, or you have saved less than you thought for som
ething important. Yes, there is confusion in your monetary realm right now, bu
t rest assured that it isn't serious. Take some time as soon as possible to si
t down and figure it out, and it can be easily rectified.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
Capricorn horoscope for Aug 10 2015
You may be unhappy about some aspect of your financial situation right now, Ca
pricorn. It may seem that something isn't adding up, and it may be that you're
wondering if there's been suspicious activity in a bank account, or you made
an error in your calculations, or you have saved less than you thought for som
ething important. Yes, there is confusion in your monetary realm right now, bu
t rest assured that it isn't serious. Take some time as soon as possible to si
t down and figure it out, and it can be easily rectified.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
All Comments

By Donna
at 2015-08-11T03:50
at 2015-08-11T03:50

By Ivy
at 2015-08-12T09:45
at 2015-08-12T09:45

By Blanche
at 2015-08-13T01:32
at 2015-08-13T01:32

By Isabella
at 2015-08-16T05:11
at 2015-08-16T05:11

By Delia
at 2015-08-20T15:20
at 2015-08-20T15:20

By Harry
at 2015-08-24T05:53
at 2015-08-24T05:53

By Audriana
at 2015-08-25T15:20
at 2015-08-25T15:20

By Liam
at 2015-08-29T04:10
at 2015-08-29T04:10
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