8/12-8/18 DH週運 - 摩羯

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2019-08-12T00:03

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You can break through some negative expectations and fears this week if you co
ncentrate on a goal and try to form a new impression of what you are doing and
what you hope to achieve from it.
You may have a rigid idea of how this has to go. And if it is not conforming t
o what you expected, Capricorn, you may feel like it is failing - but that is
not so. This week, you may feel like the mother ship dropped you off here on e
arth by mistake.
You may feel out of sorts and out of step with the world around you. You are a
unique individual, but you do like to fit in. When you don't feel like you be
long, it can be devastating to you. Sometimes it helps to gravitate to people
who feel comfortable and with whom you share opinions and values. That sense o
f camaraderie can turn things around quickly.



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Tags: 摩羯

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Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2019-08-15T14:14
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2019-08-15T21:50
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2019-08-18T15:41
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2019-08-22T04:23

8/12 Daily Horoscope

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2019-08-12T00:01
You may have an impression that Murphyand#39;s Law - stating that anything that can go wrong will go wrong - may seem to rule your day today. If you let ea ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2019-08-11T23:24
你的星座:巨蟹 你/妳們的關係:交往五年半 想問什麼呢: 文長請見諒,謝謝點進來看的人~ 我們是從大學的時候在一起到出社會,我們之間的相處和其他情侶比起來並沒有太多爭吵 ,但每次的爭吵幾乎都有固定的SOP(吵架時,他跑出去找朋友玩,而我會一個人在家裡 哭,到了晚上我會主動打電話找他,然後他回來後會當 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2019-08-11T17:32
§【2019★8月魔羯座塔羅運勢★】§ 塔羅提示~§吊人(逆位)+寶劍隨從(逆位) § ◎整體:終於了解到一味的妥協常會被軟土深掘,換個思考點會更清晰,但不需太過鑽牛 角尖。 ●請參考太陽星座及上升星座 運勢一把抓◆整體、工作、愛情、人際、金錢 詳細內容 andgt;andgt; https:// ...

8/11 Daily Horoscope

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2019-08-11T00:04
You may be filled with optimism today for a new project. Your love and your pa ssion for this mission are bountiful, dear Capricorn, but you need to keep r ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-08-10T21:10
一直都有個覺得還不錯的魔羯 不知道從什麼時候開始他就一直很喜歡欺負我 只要有一起上班的時候一定會嚇我.鬧我.或是開玩笑騙我 只要我反應越大他就越開心 跟屁孩一樣== 有次問他 你可不可以一天不要鬧我 然後我們正常相處阿? 結果他只回 沒辦法 會感覺怪怪的 不舒服 這魔羯到底是什麼想法阿~~~ ...