8/2 DailyHoroscope - 雙魚

By Elma
at 2019-08-02T10:31
at 2019-08-02T10:31
Table of Contents
Farmers have to be very careful about when they plant their crops. Even though
certain time frames may be standard for planting specific seeds, the farmer m
ust also pay attention to weather and soil conditions. If they plant too early
, their seedlings could be destroyed by frost or by too much rain. You will so
on be entering into a new venture, Pisces. Conventional wisdom may tell you to
do certain things in a certain time frame and in a certain way, but there is
more to it than that. Tune in to what is happening around you and design your
strategy around that.
農民種植作物時必須非常小心。 即使某些時間可能就是適合種植特定種子的標準,農民
也必須注意天氣和土壤條件。 如果它們過早種植,它們的幼苗可能會被凍霜或過多的雨
水破壞。 你很快就會面臨一個新的冒險,雙魚座。 傳統智慧可能會告訴你在某個時間範
圍內以某種方式做某種事情,但除此之外還有更多。 去審視你周圍發生的事情並制定策
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certain time frames may be standard for planting specific seeds, the farmer m
ust also pay attention to weather and soil conditions. If they plant too early
, their seedlings could be destroyed by frost or by too much rain. You will so
on be entering into a new venture, Pisces. Conventional wisdom may tell you to
do certain things in a certain time frame and in a certain way, but there is
more to it than that. Tune in to what is happening around you and design your
strategy around that.
農民種植作物時必須非常小心。 即使某些時間可能就是適合種植特定種子的標準,農民
也必須注意天氣和土壤條件。 如果它們過早種植,它們的幼苗可能會被凍霜或過多的雨
水破壞。 你很快就會面臨一個新的冒險,雙魚座。 傳統智慧可能會告訴你在某個時間範
圍內以某種方式做某種事情,但除此之外還有更多。 去審視你周圍發生的事情並制定策
Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞
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