8/27 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2019-08-27T00:06

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It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. If someone copies s
omething you do, it indicates that they find you and what you do quite impress
ive. If someone in your world is attempting to duplicate something you have do
ne or achieve something you have already achieved, try not to feel resentful a
bout it. They're not stealing your ideas, Capricorn, they are emulating you. Y
ou are the original! Try to be kind and maybe even encouraging if you can - an
d if it makes sense. That would mean a lot to someone who admires you.


Copyright c Daily Horoscope


Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2019-08-31T21:06
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2019-09-01T12:20
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-09-03T03:14
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2019-09-05T10:37
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2019-09-09T18:13
還要去鼓勵學人精喔= =

Alex是大叔 08/26~09/01 摩羯座本週運

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2019-08-26T12:08
太陽或上升摩羯座:有一個規律是:當你決心甩手不幹,也確實這麼做了,你可以“開心 幾天”,但最終你還是會重拾責任,因爲事情最終還是要你處理,要你承擔。摩羯座恰好 最近有這種感覺,也許並非“甩手不幹”,只是可以放心讓其他人來處理,讓其他人來做 決定,但最終發現只能“嘆氣”,還是要靠你自己來處理。但本週星象對你很溫 ...

唐綺陽 2019/08/26(一)

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2019-08-26T11:35
今日運勢 2019/08/26(一)晴時多雲 今天跟下屬年輕人有緣,他們會給你耳目一新的感覺,或聽聽他們的意見想法,對你有加分 。 感情方面單身者跟年輕人有緣,跟他們互動相當融洽,不妨考慮,有對象者要小心另一半吃 醋擔心。 幸運色是黃色。 https://www.daily-zodiac.com/m ...

8/26-9/01 DH週運

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2019-08-26T00:34
You may have had the feeling recently that you are not fulfilling some aspect of your purpose here on earth. You tend to be practical and perhaps even cons ...

8/26 Daily Horoscope

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2019-08-26T00:33
You canand#39;t literally watch grass grow. Well, Capricorn, actually you can, but t he growth wonand#39;t be obvious to the naked eye. If you step away fo ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-08-25T23:13
看到這篇文忍不住去問魔男0///0 雖然前幾天不開心 但感情還是很好 我就問他「我在版上看到一篇文章,那你覺得你有改變的地方嗎?」 魔:「你好像很期待我說什麼耶。」 我:「才沒有(開心)」 魔:「你要聽場面話還是實話?」 我:「當然是實話阿!!」 魔:「嗯,就變得比較能言善道吧,以前就不會去關心,要做什麼都 ...