8/29 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

By Erin
at 2019-08-29T03:03
at 2019-08-29T03:03
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Someone may soon come to you with a request. This person may feel that you are
the only one who can help. But the way they make their request may come off a
s a demand or they may seem to have a sense of entitlement. While this kind of
approach would surely turn you off, Leo, you have to consider the source of t
he behavior. When someone is pressured and feels desperate, they may behave in
ways they would not ordinarily behave. If you can sense this, then be underst
anding and compassionate about it. Your choice, of course, but with your insig
ht, you should see this clearly and know what to do.
最近會有人找你幫忙,而這個人可能會覺得你是 唯一可以幫助他的人。 但他們提出
但是,請你發揮同理心。 當某人受到壓力並感到絕望時,他們可能會以他們通常不會表
現的方式行事。 如果你知道這一點,那麼就要理解並體諒它。
the only one who can help. But the way they make their request may come off a
s a demand or they may seem to have a sense of entitlement. While this kind of
approach would surely turn you off, Leo, you have to consider the source of t
he behavior. When someone is pressured and feels desperate, they may behave in
ways they would not ordinarily behave. If you can sense this, then be underst
anding and compassionate about it. Your choice, of course, but with your insig
ht, you should see this clearly and know what to do.
最近會有人找你幫忙,而這個人可能會覺得你是 唯一可以幫助他的人。 但他們提出
但是,請你發揮同理心。 當某人受到壓力並感到絕望時,他們可能會以他們通常不會表
現的方式行事。 如果你知道這一點,那麼就要理解並體諒它。
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