8/29 the daily horoscope - 巨蟹

By Elma
at 2014-08-28T22:53
at 2014-08-28T22:53
Table of Contents
Friday Aug 29
You are on a path. It's a long path. And you have already
travelled down part of it. If you look behind - and as a
Moonchild you look behind often - you will find many memories
that you like, and also many memories that bring you sadness,
fear, longing, and other deep and difficult emotions.
Lately you have been looking to the past way too often. You
feel guilty about something, or regretful, or sad. You can't
seem to let it go. But turn around. The path continues on
ahead of you for a long, long way. There is a lot of joy yet
to come along that path, but you might miss it if you keep
looking backward. Move forward.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by FortunesFoundry
回頭看看-"身為月之子的你確實經常會回顧從前"- 你會發現許多你喜
兄弟面前我是漢子, 寶貝面前我是娘子
You are on a path. It's a long path. And you have already
travelled down part of it. If you look behind - and as a
Moonchild you look behind often - you will find many memories
that you like, and also many memories that bring you sadness,
fear, longing, and other deep and difficult emotions.
Lately you have been looking to the past way too often. You
feel guilty about something, or regretful, or sad. You can't
seem to let it go. But turn around. The path continues on
ahead of you for a long, long way. There is a lot of joy yet
to come along that path, but you might miss it if you keep
looking backward. Move forward.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by FortunesFoundry
回頭看看-"身為月之子的你確實經常會回顧從前"- 你會發現許多你喜
兄弟面前我是漢子, 寶貝面前我是娘子
All Comments

By Enid
at 2014-08-30T13:12
at 2014-08-30T13:12

By Freda
at 2014-09-03T11:57
at 2014-09-03T11:57

By Harry
at 2014-09-07T09:16
at 2014-09-07T09:16

By Lydia
at 2014-09-11T06:20
at 2014-09-11T06:20

By Quanna
at 2014-09-13T10:28
at 2014-09-13T10:28

By Olive
at 2014-09-15T17:50
at 2014-09-15T17:50

By Kristin
at 2014-09-18T17:50
at 2014-09-18T17:50

By Odelette
at 2014-09-22T16:38
at 2014-09-22T16:38

By Todd Johnson
at 2014-09-24T02:23
at 2014-09-24T02:23

By Elvira
at 2014-09-24T12:07
at 2014-09-24T12:07

By Faithe
at 2014-09-29T00:01
at 2014-09-29T00:01

By Bethany
at 2014-10-03T01:27
at 2014-10-03T01:27

By Hazel
at 2014-10-03T18:49
at 2014-10-03T18:49

By Victoria
at 2014-10-05T18:26
at 2014-10-05T18:26

By Dora
at 2014-10-08T16:52
at 2014-10-08T16:52

By Jake
at 2014-10-10T00:56
at 2014-10-10T00:56

By Blanche
at 2014-10-10T03:23
at 2014-10-10T03:23

By Charlotte
at 2014-10-11T01:55
at 2014-10-11T01:55

By Linda
at 2014-10-13T07:46
at 2014-10-13T07:46
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