8/4 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

By Heather
at 2019-08-03T21:20
at 2019-08-03T21:20
Table of Contents
Your ingenuity is unquestionable. Your ability to lead is obvious. Your charm
and charisma are easy to see. All of these things are what make you the clear
choice for an upcoming opportunity. While this may be noticed immediately, and
while it may be flattering, Leo, make sure you know what you are getting into
before you commit to anything. You may succumb to the praise and admiration b
ecause you love to be in the spotlight, but don't say yes just because of that
. Do this only if it suits you.
你的聰明才智是毋庸置疑的;你的領導能力也是顯而易見的。 你的魅力很容易被看見。
所有這些都是讓你成為一個即將到來的機會的首選的原因。 雖然你的能力可能會被注意
心態膨脹。 只有在確定這機會適合你的情況下再接下它。
and charisma are easy to see. All of these things are what make you the clear
choice for an upcoming opportunity. While this may be noticed immediately, and
while it may be flattering, Leo, make sure you know what you are getting into
before you commit to anything. You may succumb to the praise and admiration b
ecause you love to be in the spotlight, but don't say yes just because of that
. Do this only if it suits you.
你的聰明才智是毋庸置疑的;你的領導能力也是顯而易見的。 你的魅力很容易被看見。
所有這些都是讓你成為一個即將到來的機會的首選的原因。 雖然你的能力可能會被注意
心態膨脹。 只有在確定這機會適合你的情況下再接下它。
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