8/5 6 The Daily Horoscope - 牡羊

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2016-08-05T21:44

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Friday Aug 5

You may feel like freaking out a bit over a turn of events in a financial
matter. You may think that a mistake has been made, or that someone has tried
to mislead you in some way. You may fear that there could be money at stake
if things aren’t put right. If you start to become frantic, Aries, you won’
t be able to handle this matter appropriately. Forge ahead calmly and
approach this issue in a clear-headed way, and you’ll figure out what’s
happening, and you’ll find a solution if one is needed.

Copyright (c) The Daily Horoscope by Fortunes Foundry



Saturday Aug 6

It is easier to give advice than to take it, and you may be on the taking end
of some good advice right now, Aries. Don’t discount what this person says
to you just because it isn’t flattering. Constructive criticism is meant to
show you possible flaws or errors in whatever you are doing so that you can
find a way to improve. Don’t look at this person’s feedback as negative.
You need to see it as positive and helpful so that you can make the most of

Copyright (c) The Daily Horoscope by Fortunes Foundry



I' ll hold tightly on your hand,
no matter what happens,
I believe we can go futher.

Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-08-09T08:32
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2016-08-13T15:00


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-08-05T21:38
同為羊男只能說一句: 羊就是賤阿~~~~ 妳把他看得太重要,甚至失去自己的世界,會讓羊覺得很無趣,而且很有壓力... 當他在忙的時候,妳也能好好照顧自己,這才是羊理想的伴侶 所以很多羊眷都會覺得:靠!這隻羊交往前後也差太多了吧ˋˊ 我只能說:他只是恢復了本性... 而且羊可能天生就有點背骨,妳越要他 ...

2016/08/06.07 唐立淇週末星座運勢

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-08-05T21:14
2016 / 08 / 06.07 ( 六日 ) 牡羊座週末運勢 雨天 週末做事情很容易受到別人的牽制,或進度遭到破壞,建議要做好事前協調的工作。 感情方面 會有很多爛攤子要收拾,若想要悠閒的渡假,必須要遠離工作才行。 幸運色是藍色。 - ...

08/06 羊兒運勢綜論

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-08-05T17:49
http://goo.gl/49628p Astrology.com Today you will have a great chance to turn up the heat in your romantic relationship and make things sizzle like they ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2016-08-05T14:28
※ [本文轉錄自 Scorpio 看板 #1NeqWWI9 ] 作者: username123 (阿雄) 看板: Scorpio 標題: [討論] 追求蠍女的心態調整 時間: Thu Aug 4 21:50:18 2016 許多人會說蠍女喜歡搞曖昧,心思難以捉摸 這裡比較蠍女和其他女生的不同, 也給 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-08-05T07:44
認識一個多月了 出國玩認識 住旅館時有到我們房間玩牌 會無意間的身體碰觸 每天都會跟她在line上打屁哈拉 會跟我聊今天做了什麼事 有次她無意透露她最近那個來肚子痛 之後還因為選大學壓力大 跟我說要去哭一下 有跟她說如果去找她玩可以嗎 她也說沒問題 最近又要見面了 要怎麼知道對我是有好感 ----- Sen ...