8/6 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

By Quintina
at 2015-08-05T16:06
at 2015-08-05T16:06
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Capricorn horoscope for Aug 6 2015
Capricorn horoscope for Aug 6 2015
One small shift is all it would take to change everything that's going wrong i
n a venture you are now dealing with, Capricorn. You may not think that's poss
ible. It isn't that you're negative. It isn't that you can't see the big pictu
re. It probably seems that there are so many things going wrong, and so many e
lements to deal with, and so many loose ends to tie up, that you can't imagine
one small shift straightening out all of that. That's because you don't reali
ze how very close you are to getting it all right. And when one last thing fal
ls into place, everything will, all of a sudden, fall into place.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
Capricorn horoscope for Aug 6 2015
One small shift is all it would take to change everything that's going wrong i
n a venture you are now dealing with, Capricorn. You may not think that's poss
ible. It isn't that you're negative. It isn't that you can't see the big pictu
re. It probably seems that there are so many things going wrong, and so many e
lements to deal with, and so many loose ends to tie up, that you can't imagine
one small shift straightening out all of that. That's because you don't reali
ze how very close you are to getting it all right. And when one last thing fal
ls into place, everything will, all of a sudden, fall into place.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
All Comments

By Michael
at 2015-08-06T05:11
at 2015-08-06T05:11

By Puput
at 2015-08-10T07:21
at 2015-08-10T07:21

By Jessica
at 2015-08-14T17:26
at 2015-08-14T17:26

By Queena
at 2015-08-16T06:26
at 2015-08-16T06:26

By Charlotte
at 2015-08-20T06:12
at 2015-08-20T06:12

By Iris
at 2015-08-22T11:14
at 2015-08-22T11:14

By Hardy
at 2015-08-27T07:00
at 2015-08-27T07:00

By Rachel
at 2015-08-29T11:28
at 2015-08-29T11:28

By Edwina
at 2015-09-02T00:11
at 2015-09-02T00:11

By Leila
at 2015-09-04T11:00
at 2015-09-04T11:00

By Zora
at 2015-09-08T01:49
at 2015-09-08T01:49

By Anonymous
at 2015-09-10T07:18
at 2015-09-10T07:18

By Madame
at 2015-09-11T11:58
at 2015-09-11T11:58

By Aaliyah
at 2015-09-16T07:35
at 2015-09-16T07:35

By Aaliyah
at 2015-09-18T22:37
at 2015-09-18T22:37

By Candice
at 2015-09-20T17:04
at 2015-09-20T17:04

By James
at 2015-09-22T06:18
at 2015-09-22T06:18
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