9/1 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

By Audriana
at 2022-09-01T08:02
at 2022-09-01T08:02
Table of Contents
Pisces horoscope for Sep 1 2022
## Someone in your life may be painting a very realistic picture of something th
ey want to include you in. This person may be so intent on winning you over that
they are exaggerating a bit. You're no dummy, Pisces, but you are very imaginat
ive. And what's more, you may actually want to buy what this person is selling -
and believing in the illusion will take you there. But before you go off on a f
antasy voyage, pull your head out of the clouds for a moment and consider what y
ou will do if you find out it isn't completely real. That may give you pause, an
d may get you thinking more realistically.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 13 mini
Pisces horoscope for Sep 1 2022
## Someone in your life may be painting a very realistic picture of something th
ey want to include you in. This person may be so intent on winning you over that
they are exaggerating a bit. You're no dummy, Pisces, but you are very imaginat
ive. And what's more, you may actually want to buy what this person is selling -
and believing in the illusion will take you there. But before you go off on a f
antasy voyage, pull your head out of the clouds for a moment and consider what y
ou will do if you find out it isn't completely real. That may give you pause, an
d may get you thinking more realistically.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 13 mini
All Comments

By Ophelia
at 2022-09-04T19:48
at 2022-09-04T19:48

By Delia
at 2022-09-08T07:35
at 2022-09-08T07:35

By Jacky
at 2022-09-11T19:21
at 2022-09-11T19:21

By Necoo
at 2022-09-10T17:16
at 2022-09-10T17:16

By Ida
at 2022-09-14T05:02
at 2022-09-14T05:02

By Delia
at 2022-09-10T17:16
at 2022-09-10T17:16
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