9/13 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2019-09-13T00:03

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The behavior of someone in your world may be less-than-stellar. This person ma
y be having a temper tantrum or may be moping around. The bigger problem thoug
h, Capricorn, is that you may be putting the blame for this person's behavior
on you. You may be thinking up reasons why you did something or said something
to cause this meltdown. But each of us is responsible for our own behavior, i
ncluding in this instance. If you spoke your mind honestly about something rec
ently, that's what you needed to do. How that person reacted is their responsi
bility - not yours.

Copyright c Daily Horoscope


Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-09-17T00:34
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2019-09-20T00:22
淚推 真的有這個人存在
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2019-09-22T23:23
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2019-09-26T00:37
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2019-09-30T13:56


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2019-09-12T18:31
我的星座 射手座 (但生日偏天蠍) 自從七月份大吵一架後 覺得升級了(? 少爺說 我們不是吵架是溝通 雖然說這是在一起兩年多以來 第二次[溝通] 很不幸的 第一次我被判[暫時出局] ====================================================== 少爺說他 ...

唐綺陽 2019/09/12(四)

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2019-09-12T00:58
今日運勢 2019/09/12(四)雨 今天可能熱臉貼冷屁股,你釋放善意但對方回應有限,請平常心、忙自己的事,一切都是緣 分。 感情方面稍微端一下姿態反而是自我保護,你喜歡的人不一定會回應你,信心不足的人建議 按兵不動。 幸運色是白色。 https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mo ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2019-09-12T00:07
文長 手機發文如果排版怪的話請見諒... 我先懺悔(我摩女) 最近在某活動認識ㄧ個新的朋友(女) 一開始因為很好聊天 所以還蠻快親近的 等比較熟了以後發現 她有很多我看不下去的點 比如很驕傲、自信 有時候講話很囉嗦 而且很愛跟著我到處跑 (可能覺得跟著我就會有好玩的事發生) 到最近(我們目前認識三個月了) ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-09-12T00:07
You may want to help someone who comes to you for guidance today or very soon. You may have precisely the skills or the knowledge that is needed, Capricor ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-09-11T20:26
§【2019★9月魔羯座塔羅運勢★】§ 塔羅提示~§高塔(正位)+權杖二(逆位) § ◎整體:可能會有晴天霹靂的打擊或是突如其來的狀況,先保持原本的狀態按兵不動,當 作是人生的考驗面對它吧! ●請參考太陽星座及上升星座 運勢一把抓◆整體、工作、愛情、人際、金錢 詳細內容 andgt;andgt; ...