9/18 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-09-17T00:26

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Capricorn horoscope for Sep 18 2016

Is someone in your life being passive-aggressive in their attempt to deal with
a problem? This is a childish way to deal with it, Capricorn, because it does
n't address the problem directly. In effect, this person is making you guess a
bout how they feel and isn't giving you genuine feedback. You may want to beli
eve in a certain interpretation of what's happening, but you can't really know
how this person feels for sure until you get an honest, mature response. Don'
t play the game. Demand sincerity.
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posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2016-09-20T01:53
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-09-20T20:27
要求別人改變 似乎不容易啊
George avatar
By George
at 2016-09-23T01:24
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2016-09-27T04:59
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-10-02T03:39
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2016-10-03T06:58
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2016-10-06T01:32


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2016-09-17T00:13
我跟魔男是最近剛認識的大學同班同學 因為我個人是話會有點多的 所以賴的回應通常都打四 五則 但魔男的反應通常都一兩則 請問這個正常嗎? 還是因為他對我完全沒興趣? 因為雖然認識沒很久 但我對他很有好感 想要好好試試努力看看 - ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-09-16T23:55
如題容易小劇場的魔羯開始問我到底交男朋友要幹嘛?或是其實很多朋友都可以做到為什 麼要交男朋友? 其實我不是很懂這該如何回答,碰到魔羯這樣開啟and#34;魔羯模式and#34;我非常難以招架,前提是她 已經說過她喜歡我了,而且我也喜歡她,但目前是沒有打算進一步,現在她又說不懂愛是 什麼,很困擾,交男朋友目標是 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-09-16T23:36
常在板上看到大家分享摩男的事情 也分享一下最近觀察身邊摩男的大小事 1.被動且慢熱,一開始會講場面話,會想有點形象,後來熟了之後垃圾話比例陸續增加 2.不喜歡被虧或交代太多私人事情,尤其職場上會比較嚴肅,也算是一種偶像包袱XD 3.其實很懶,也不太在乎無關緊要的人,朋友不多也無所謂;但對於自己在意的人事 ...

9/17 Daily Horoscope

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2016-09-16T22:04
Capricorn horoscope for Sep 17 2016 Capricorn horoscope for Sep 17 2016 Someone may have revealed something you confided and wanted to keep secret. Th is ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-09-16T20:42
※ 引述《sad3 (投籃前的努力)》之銘言: : 其實這問題想了一陣子,就是有關於,在感情狀態似乎有點曖昧的時候。 : 突然對方一個瞬間讓你/妳(魔羯)無感的地雷。(任一種舉動/行為) : 這邊強調的是,有時候對方就算做了一些動作自己不喜歡,但因為是喜歡對方的, : 所以某些時候我個人會忍/習慣/接受。 : ...