9/19 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

John avatar
By John
at 2021-09-19T07:21

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Pisces horoscope for Sep 19 2021

If you don't feel driven to do something you are currently doing, you will just go through the motions. You are someone who needs to feel moved. You are a passionate soul who has a deep need to find your purpose in life. If you are currently working toward something and your heart isn't in it, why are you bothering? You know this about yourself. You may be going on with this even though it feels like a charade to please or impress someone else, but it won't work if you don't find that spark. Either find
it or find something else that does move you, Pisces.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic


弱弱翻譯 請多指教

Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2021-09-19T17:55
感謝翻譯 說到心坎裡…
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2021-09-20T04:29
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2021-09-20T15:03
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2021-09-21T01:37
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2021-09-21T12:11


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2021-09-19T00:01
殺破狼占星12星座週運勢部份,與udn聯合新聞網合作, 請勿任意轉載、盜用文字內容,會被udn追究法律責任喔。 請大家參考時,注意版權問題。感謝大家! 參考:太陽星座、上升星座 本週星相: *9月21日為雙魚座滿月,有關水方面的災難、傳染病、心靈層面、精神疾病 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2021-09-18T19:22
占星小巫一週星座運勢9/17-9/22 http://www.stars12.com/2021/09/917-922.html 羅伯一週星座情感周運9/15-9/21 http://www.stars12.com/2021/09/915-921_18.html 克里斯汀一週星座運勢9/15-9/21 ht ...

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Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
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