9/30-10/6 - 獅子

By Kumar
at 2019-09-28T23:54
at 2019-09-28T23:54
Table of Contents
People who have diverse backgrounds and experiences can have quite a lot in co
mmon, but they may never know it because the circumstances of their lives may
keep them apart. They may have shared ideas. They may have great compatibility
. They may have the same dreams and aspirations. But they might never get to k
now each other well enough based on the premature assumption that they are too
different. Someone you meet this week may be just such a person for you, Leo.
Take the time to cross any boundaries there may be and get to know someone yo
u wouldn't ordinarily meet. This week could be a perfect week to start plannin
g a vacation or some other fun event. If you put out feelers, you may draw in
someone who would just love to join you. A relationship issue may provide some
comfort this week when a loved one gives you some reassuring advice.
但是基於上面提到的因素,他們可能永遠都不會了解彼此的存在。 你在本週遇到的某個
人,對你來說可能就是這樣的人。 花一些時間跨越可能存在的任何鴻溝,去結識一個通
這周可能是開始計劃假期或其他有趣活動的理想時間。 如果您放下身段,你可能會吸引
一個願意加入您的人。 當親人給你一些令人放心的建議時,感情問題可能會在本周有所
mmon, but they may never know it because the circumstances of their lives may
keep them apart. They may have shared ideas. They may have great compatibility
. They may have the same dreams and aspirations. But they might never get to k
now each other well enough based on the premature assumption that they are too
different. Someone you meet this week may be just such a person for you, Leo.
Take the time to cross any boundaries there may be and get to know someone yo
u wouldn't ordinarily meet. This week could be a perfect week to start plannin
g a vacation or some other fun event. If you put out feelers, you may draw in
someone who would just love to join you. A relationship issue may provide some
comfort this week when a loved one gives you some reassuring advice.
但是基於上面提到的因素,他們可能永遠都不會了解彼此的存在。 你在本週遇到的某個
人,對你來說可能就是這樣的人。 花一些時間跨越可能存在的任何鴻溝,去結識一個通
這周可能是開始計劃假期或其他有趣活動的理想時間。 如果您放下身段,你可能會吸引
一個願意加入您的人。 當親人給你一些令人放心的建議時,感情問題可能會在本周有所
All Comments

By Iris
at 2019-10-02T06:27
at 2019-10-02T06:27
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