9/6 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

By Olivia
at 2019-09-05T23:17
at 2019-09-05T23:17
Table of Contents
If you hold back on telling someone what you really need because you fear bein
g hurt, then you might regret it later on, Leo. You would love to pour your he
art out to someone and explain what a certain gesture would mean to you, but y
ou also like to come off as fierce and strong. But expressing how you feel in
this instance will show your sweet side and endear you to someone you want to
reach. There is always a risk of hurt when you make a meaningful connection, b
ut the rewards can be so lovely!
你喜歡向別人傾訴心聲,但你同時也想表現出兇悍強壯。 但有些時候,表達出你的感受
今天迎新 真他媽累 幹
g hurt, then you might regret it later on, Leo. You would love to pour your he
art out to someone and explain what a certain gesture would mean to you, but y
ou also like to come off as fierce and strong. But expressing how you feel in
this instance will show your sweet side and endear you to someone you want to
reach. There is always a risk of hurt when you make a meaningful connection, b
ut the rewards can be so lovely!
你喜歡向別人傾訴心聲,但你同時也想表現出兇悍強壯。 但有些時候,表達出你的感受
今天迎新 真他媽累 幹
All Comments

By Annie
at 2019-09-09T02:37
at 2019-09-09T02:37
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