Daily Horocsopes 105.11.10(四) - 天秤

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2016-11-09T23:11

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Libra horoscope for Nov 10 2016
Someone you once cared about may seem to have changed. There is something
cooler and more detached about this individual, and it may seem that they
don't care about you as much as they once did. But do people really change,
Libra? They may alter their habits and go through difficulties that alter the
way they relate, but their basic character does not change. Either something
is going on in this person's life that you perhaps are not aware of, or you
may have never really known this person to begin with. Figure out the source
of this difference, and you'll know how to address it.
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問題產生,他們變得不像以前那樣關心你。但是,秤子們,對方真的改變了嗎? 他們可能




Tags: 天秤

All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2016-11-13T02:38
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-11-17T03:52
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-11-21T15:22
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-11-22T21:08
謝謝分享 超準…沒有一句沒中的……QQ
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-11-27T03:13
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2016-11-30T01:12
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-11-30T17:32
有感+1 QQ
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2016-12-01T13:24
有感( 復ゝ`)
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2016-12-04T15:25
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-12-09T03:40
John avatar
By John
at 2016-12-10T01:11
非常的準!!!!! 過12點立刻遇到
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-12-13T04:50
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-12-14T00:02
恩 今天句句到肉

Daily Horoscopes 105.11.09(三)

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-11-09T00:28
內容: Libra horoscope for Nov 9 2016 The timing may not seem right for you to make a move you had been planning on. Circumstances have not fallen into line a ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2016-11-08T23:25
出處:http://bit.ly/2fvQMJh 內容: 精美的圖文分享 了解更多 女巫樹洞塔羅占卜館 2016年11月08日 11/07--11/13一週運勢 天秤座 本周天秤座的會有新的突破。最近天秤們的運勢勢如破竹,你們容易得到新的機會,從而 激發你們新的行動力,你會深深的感嘆之前的准備都沒 ...

2016/11/09 (三) 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2016-11-08T22:22
2016 / 11 / 09 (三) 天秤座今日運勢 晴天!! 今天很順心,例如:因為都是自己人所以做事非常順利, 或與合作夥伴很有默契。 感情方面和另一半很有默契且心思相通,讓彼此的關係更加深入。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2016-11-08T21:34
不知道是不是天生記性的關係 尤其是好朋友們的生日 每次只要朋友生日前幾天 就算距離再遙遠我都會記得寫卡片或是寫一長串祝福的話。 也不知道是哪條神經不對 總覺得自己存在感似乎很低 連親密的朋友都不會記住生日是哪天 妹妹還說忙到忘記我的生日日期 是不是真的很容易被疏忽或遺忘啊…… 生日那天我就一個人默默嗑兩個 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2016-11-08T02:15
1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章:是 2. 我的星座是:31y蠍男 3. 對方的星座是:30y秤女 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘述自己的個性) : 平常不多話, 但有興趣的話題會辯答如流, 討厭冷場會強迫自己開話題。 5. 問題發生的背景: 去年10月底因為工作緣故, 秤女來公司辦 ...