Daily Horoscope 02/20 - 射手

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-02-19T17:50

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Sagittarius horoscope for Feb 20 2017

Extricating yourself from one situation because it seems to be troublesome,
only to jump into another situation you know nothing about may be like
jumping from the frying pan directly into the fire. You may not see it that
way right now, Sagittarius, but you may be getting hints about it. If you
have made a change recently in an effort to fix something that seems to be
going wrong, you might want to think about going back to the beginning
instead, and looking for a way to fix what you've already started. You'll
gain a rare sense of accomplishment if you do.
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始,而且你會尋找方法修復你已經開始的部分。 如果你這樣做,你會獲得一種罕見的成


Tags: 射手

All Comments

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2017-02-23T11:35
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-02-26T05:21
原本想修復跟室友的關係 現在決定直接搬出來了哈哈
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-02-27T20:41
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2017-03-03T12:53

Daily Horoscope 02/19

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2017-02-18T17:02
Sagittarius horoscope for Feb 19 2017 If youand#39;re forced to change course with a current endeavor, Sagittarius, that d oes not mean you should discard ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2017-02-18T01:16
今日運勢 2017 / 02 / 18 (六) 雨 週末容易捲入是非當中,因為你把事情想得太簡單,建議不單純的事情就別介入。 感情: 感情方面會產生疑心病,導致雙方的氣氛怪異。 幸運色是卡其色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 看來週末還是明哲保身就好,沒必要就不要去跟人說三道四吧QQ - ...

Daily Horoscope 02/18

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-02-17T20:14
Sagittarius horoscope for Feb 18 2017 An old bothersome situation may be begging for a new review. You may have thou ght that you had fully and responsibl ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-02-17T03:16
本身是魚男,剛和射女在一起1個月多. 射女天生就腎不好,今天去看醫生報告出來結果比上個月不好,我馬上打去關心她,但她想健康的和我在一起,也只能一直吃藥控制,又無法解決就哭了. 射手女不想我陪她看醫生,她覺得我在身旁更沉重. 當下她很低落說先不想講電話,後來晚上和我說她擔心以後她身體更不好,我對 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-02-17T00:21
今日運勢 2017 / 02 / 17 (五) 晴 今天散發出來的氣質會令人青睞,不妨盡量做自己,展現出最真的那一面。 感情: 感情方面施比受更有福,因此你無條件的幫助他人時,會散發出迷人的風采。 幸運色是藍色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 久違的晴天 保持樂觀的心態面對世界,那麼身為射手 ...