Daily Horoscope 02/26 - 射手

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2017-02-25T23:55

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Sagittarius horoscope for Feb 26 2017

Not everyone operates at your mental level or at your speed. You are a quick s
tudy, Sagittarius, and once you learn something, you usually become proficient
very quickly. Someone in your midst isn't quite as astute or as fast a learne
r as you are. But that doesn't mean they can't also be quite as good or quite
as accomplished. This person may be on a team of yours in some capacity, and y
ou may have doubts about this person. But instead, try to have faith. This per
son will surprise you in a very positive way.
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Tags: 射手

All Comments

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-02-27T23:39
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2017-03-03T21:47
James avatar
By James
at 2017-03-06T21:19

求解 射女vs羊男

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2017-02-25T21:34
覺得委屈 我是12/8的射女, 連兩任都是羊男, 但我的下場都不太好啊... 很常聽到旁人說射手花心 但我覺得射手其實很專 只要愛上了, 就會全心全意的愛著 反而, 我覺得我很容易陷進羊男的圈套啊 有大大也是射女vs羊男嗎 - ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2017-02-25T01:55
今日運勢 2017 / 02 / 25 (六) 打雷閃電 週末處於亂糟糟的情況,例如:要你當和事佬,但是事情非常複雜且不討好,所以還是不要太熱心比較好。 感情: 感情方面容易產生誤解,若彼此不是很熟悉,建議要調查對方是否話中有話。 幸運色是灰色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 果然不是天天都 ...

老牙的線上免費塔羅服務 本次取三名喔!

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2017-02-24T20:40
嗨!各位朋友 大家久等啦! 其實我沒想過會有這麼多的推文 原本想說心中默想幾個數字 應該就行了吧 不過這次一共有100多個推文 看來不得不公開透明啦XDD 由於截止是在今天的20:00 所以推文時間在20:00之後的朋友就無法列入計算了QQ 另外推文140樓讓給其他的朋友 以及推文122 ...

Daily Horoscope 02/25

David avatar
By David
at 2017-02-24T16:36
Sagittarius horoscope for Feb 25 2017 You may think that you are measuring up a new opportunity in a very objective way, Sagittarius. You may have studied ...

老牙的線上免費塔羅服務 取三名喔!

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-02-24T06:55
由於這次買了兩副新牌 問了版主群後 可以免費替射手版友服務 在服務前 先介紹我的兩副新牌 彼此的功能不太一樣 第一副:http://imgur.com/FnOjNAg 這副牌主要是在釐清自我視野的盲區 進而將焦點回到自我身上 開牌開到的是皇帝 意思是拿回自我的主導權 所以這是一副排除外在 ...