Daily Horoscope 04/26 - 射手

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-04-26T07:12

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Sagittarius horoscope for Apr 26 2017

You may have a brilliant idea that you would like to share with someone specia
l, or perhaps with a group of people you are close to. You might even be so ex
cited that you are ready to share your idea with the world, but you need to ex
ercise caution now, Sagittarius. It may be premature to share your thoughts be
fore your idea is fully fleshed out. You could wind up getting negative feedba
ck that isn't truly reflective of your idea because others won't understand yo
ur vision, and that could wind up discouraging you. Wait until your idea perco
lates and you have a concrete plan in place before you share.
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Tags: 射手

All Comments

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-04-30T22:34
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2017-05-05T17:01
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-05-10T08:02
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2017-05-13T04:25


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-04-25T20:31
前言 我是雙男,認識這位射手女是我在一個展場上遇到的 她是我們公司請的SG。那天人比較少我就跑過去找他聊天 之後在他休息時間我就順便跟他要個LINE,到現在我們都還有在聊天 ________________________________________________________________ ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2017-04-25T20:28
《法塔羅克里福德》4/24~4/30塔羅星座運勢 射手座 力量逆位 錢幣7逆位 聖杯5逆位 射手這幾年受制的狀況已經減緩很多,所以不用心急,你的改變與付出會慢慢的符出水面 被看見。 ◎這段時間自信心比較不足,雖然很希望得到外界的認同與讚賞,但也有些事情並不是我 們努力去做,計能在短時間內看到成果的。 ...

Daily Horoscope 04/25

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2017-04-25T17:41
Sagittarius horoscope for Apr 25 2017 You have the power to change something big now, Sagittarius, but you may not w ant to get involved. In fact, you may ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2017-04-25T16:49
男友已經好幾度跟我說他睡一下或是去弄一下什麼 跟我約幾點要我打給他叫他之類的 但是約定時間到卻完全失蹤 不管我打幾通電話都不會接 我很確定他沒有綠綠的啦 因為他一直在宿舍 也沒有什麼女生朋友 單純是睡覺睡到忘我沒聽到鬧鐘跟我的電話 或是弄東西弄到忘記時間 上次是跟我說一個小時後出門 結果我等了三個小時 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2017-04-25T02:10
今日運勢 2017 / 04 / 25 (二) 雨 今天熱臉會貼到冷屁股,別人對你的付出沒感覺,不妨好好挑選朋友比較重要。 感情: 感情方面人多嘴雜,他們以看熱鬧居多,建議要有自己的想法才好。 幸運色是紫色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 - ...