Daily Horoscope 05/10 - 射手

By Irma
at 2017-05-09T21:23
at 2017-05-09T21:23
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Sagittarius horoscope for 星期三 5月 10
Someone is telling you what you want to hear, and that is very clear to you. Y
ou may resent this person's pretense and wish they would be honest with you. H
owever, Sagittarius, this person isn't lying. This person truly is seeing some
thing special in you, and that is what they are expressing. It may not be prec
isely what they are seeing in you now, but more along the lines of what they b
elieve you will do ultimately. That means they do have faith in you, and that
faith is something you should be grateful for.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
Someone is telling you what you want to hear, and that is very clear to you. Y
ou may resent this person's pretense and wish they would be honest with you. H
owever, Sagittarius, this person isn't lying. This person truly is seeing some
thing special in you, and that is what they are expressing. It may not be prec
isely what they are seeing in you now, but more along the lines of what they b
elieve you will do ultimately. That means they do have faith in you, and that
faith is something you should be grateful for.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Brianna
at 2017-05-13T23:02
at 2017-05-13T23:02

By Robert
at 2017-05-15T09:46
at 2017-05-15T09:46

By Tom
at 2017-05-18T04:31
at 2017-05-18T04:31

By Gilbert
at 2017-05-22T07:35
at 2017-05-22T07:35

By Zenobia
at 2017-05-25T18:55
at 2017-05-25T18:55

By Harry
at 2017-05-30T09:31
at 2017-05-30T09:31

By Harry
at 2017-06-02T13:12
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