Daily Horoscope 1/26 - 獅子

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2017-01-25T21:17

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You may have hit a mental roadblock in an important project, Leo. Your fight
or flight response could be kicking in, causing you to want to flee for a
while. You may feel so pressured and frustrated that you think it would be a
good time to take a break and then come back refreshed. Actually, it would be
wise to work through this block and push yourself even harder because the
more you get into it, the easier it will get. It may be hard at first, but
once you get past a certain point, your thoughts will begin to flow freely

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Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-01-28T18:32
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2017-01-31T19:44
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-02-05T18:37
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-02-06T23:55
撞牆期 過了就是你的!
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-02-11T21:40
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2017-02-14T05:37
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2017-02-19T02:58
考基早就打完了 不之為何而忙
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-02-20T04:48

Daily Horoscope 1/25

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2017-01-24T20:03
You have worked toward something for a long time, but are you sure itand#39;s what you really want? You may tell yourself that you are sure, Leo, but ask y ...

2017/01/24 (二) 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-01-24T14:46
今日運勢 2017 / 01 / 24 (二) 雨 今天有破財的狀況,用錢的方面有超支的情形, 或是買到不划算的東西而扼腕不已。 感情方面看不慣對方的生活作息或嗜好, 而和另一半有點齟齬。 幸運色是黑色。 - 今天太忙了 整個忘記看老師運勢 QQ 我昨天才是真的大破財 不能再亂花錢了 TAT 決定今 ...

Daily Horoscope 1/24

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2017-01-23T20:09
You may feel passionate about a venture and you would love to get others on board. But in addition to your passionate belief in a project, Leo, there are a ...

2017/1/23-1/29 獅子座の空模様

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-01-23T11:00
原文:http://tinyurl.com/zx79xzj 打個比方來說,你如果是一臉苦惱的學者狀態,坐在你旁邊的,就可能是個樂觀而充滿朝 氣的年輕人。 當你們進行了一番像山那樣慎重的開場白之後,你終於向快要不耐煩的對方說出正題;當 你說完之前,對方立刻對你說「OK!」,然後你就被早已站起身來的對方拉著手 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-01-23T10:41
你好,我是獅姐,來幫你放下錯誤獅緣~ 不知為何不能完整引用全文 因為文中有一些小細節可以看的出來問題在哪邊... 基本上根據你文中的敘述,你們之間出現問題的時間點是在and#34;那個同事and#34;問妳是否知道他去 留問題之後。 這邊想問看看妳知道這件事之後的反應是如何? (1.)裝傻假裝不知道,等他 ...