Daily Horoscope 10/10 - 射手

By Jacky
at 2016-10-10T00:33
at 2016-10-10T00:33
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Sagittarius horoscope for Oct 10 2016
Just because you have come to see a dream that you once held sacred is not
viable, does not mean you are giving up, and it does not make you a quitter.
There was a time when you truly believed that this dream was right for you
and that it would enhance your life and make you happier. Over time,
nonetheless, you came to see that some of your expectations were unrealistic
and that some aspects of the dream weren't what they seemed to be. You are
wise to let go of it now, Sagittarius, because there is something else you
would like to pursue, and that may be the real thing.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
很多時候 僅僅只是因為想 就畫製了一張粗淺的藍圖
但隨著經歷的越多 這張圖也就會跟著慢慢的修改 修改 再修改
這沒什麼 這不過是很平常的事
因為一開始 一定是沒有經驗的 對於怎麼拿捏也都不曉得
之後慢慢的掌握了某些東西 就能夠慢慢的 一步一腳印
Just because you have come to see a dream that you once held sacred is not
viable, does not mean you are giving up, and it does not make you a quitter.
There was a time when you truly believed that this dream was right for you
and that it would enhance your life and make you happier. Over time,
nonetheless, you came to see that some of your expectations were unrealistic
and that some aspects of the dream weren't what they seemed to be. You are
wise to let go of it now, Sagittarius, because there is something else you
would like to pursue, and that may be the real thing.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
很多時候 僅僅只是因為想 就畫製了一張粗淺的藍圖
但隨著經歷的越多 這張圖也就會跟著慢慢的修改 修改 再修改
這沒什麼 這不過是很平常的事
因為一開始 一定是沒有經驗的 對於怎麼拿捏也都不曉得
之後慢慢的掌握了某些東西 就能夠慢慢的 一步一腳印
All Comments

By Frederica
at 2016-10-11T18:11
at 2016-10-11T18:11

By Anthony
at 2016-10-15T09:36
at 2016-10-15T09:36

By Ursula
at 2016-10-17T17:13
at 2016-10-17T17:13

By Mia
at 2016-10-20T06:31
at 2016-10-20T06:31

By Isla
at 2016-10-22T18:39
at 2016-10-22T18:39

By Rae
at 2016-10-23T19:16
at 2016-10-23T19:16

By Brianna
at 2016-10-24T17:06
at 2016-10-24T17:06
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