Daily Horoscope 10/12 - 射手

By Frederica
at 2016-10-11T23:08
at 2016-10-11T23:08
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Sagittarius horoscope for Oct 12 2016
Do you feel as though you're in a race to change something about yourself or
your life? Do you feel a sense of restlessness that makes you want to climb
out of yourself somehow and get to some mysterious place that seems better?
You are only in a race with yourself, Sagittarius. You have been so caught up
in wishing your days away for a better time that you haven't realized that
you have the power in your own hands to make the here and now the place you
are dreaming about.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
不要想說要一直跟別人比 因為人外有人 天外有天
這樣一直比下去是沒完沒了的 最重要的是 要跟自己比
每一天 都要比 昨天的自己 來的好一點
倘若有一天 你回頭望向以前的 那個自己
那你已經 在不知不覺中 變成更好的人了
我們都要變得更好 我們都要
Do you feel as though you're in a race to change something about yourself or
your life? Do you feel a sense of restlessness that makes you want to climb
out of yourself somehow and get to some mysterious place that seems better?
You are only in a race with yourself, Sagittarius. You have been so caught up
in wishing your days away for a better time that you haven't realized that
you have the power in your own hands to make the here and now the place you
are dreaming about.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
不要想說要一直跟別人比 因為人外有人 天外有天
這樣一直比下去是沒完沒了的 最重要的是 要跟自己比
每一天 都要比 昨天的自己 來的好一點
倘若有一天 你回頭望向以前的 那個自己
那你已經 在不知不覺中 變成更好的人了
我們都要變得更好 我們都要
All Comments

By Odelette
at 2016-10-13T18:17
at 2016-10-13T18:17

By Jake
at 2016-10-17T10:34
at 2016-10-17T10:34

By Zanna
at 2016-10-18T15:10
at 2016-10-18T15:10

By Lydia
at 2016-10-23T09:57
at 2016-10-23T09:57

By Barb Cronin
at 2016-10-25T01:51
at 2016-10-25T01:51

By Freda
at 2016-10-25T16:16
at 2016-10-25T16:16

By Anthony
at 2016-10-27T22:20
at 2016-10-27T22:20

By Anonymous
at 2016-10-30T23:32
at 2016-10-30T23:32

By Eden
at 2016-11-02T08:00
at 2016-11-02T08:00

By Barb Cronin
at 2016-11-04T19:23
at 2016-11-04T19:23

By Queena
at 2016-11-08T03:54
at 2016-11-08T03:54

By Christine
at 2016-11-08T08:27
at 2016-11-08T08:27
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