Daily horoscope 10/21 - 射手

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2019-10-21T09:34

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Sagittarius horoscope for Oct 21 2019

A casual conversation could take a turn toward the deep end when you inadverte
ntly reveal something that has been on your mind. This may be something that y
ou had not planned on sharing just yet - something that you may not have wante
d to share at all - but once it's out in the open, you may find that you can't
backtrack. But if this information does see the light of day, Sagittarius, yo
u might as well make the best of it. Get it off your chest, and you may find c
omfort where you least expect it.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic





Tags: 射手

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Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2019-10-26T05:16

Alex是大叔 10/21~10/27 射手座本週運勢

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-10-21T09:21
太陽或上升射手座:心大不代表真的不在意,最近有些聲音傳到你們耳中,讓你們覺得“ 做得太過分了”,也許跟你有關,也許就是事情的性質讓你覺得有些過分。本週火土四分 的角度成型,“站隊”這類事情會被推至高潮,觀察本週不管是學業層面上還是職場層面 上的人際變化,可能讓你窺探到接下來的關係走勢——但我還是依舊建議你們, ...


David avatar
By David
at 2019-10-21T01:15
今日運勢 2019 / 10 / 21 (一) 陰 今天容易遇到搞不清楚狀況、幼稚的人,以為怎麼樣就能規避責任,讓你覺得很瞎、很生氣,提醒自己保持風度。 感情: 感情方面有些事情不能用自以為幽默的方式處理,對方很認真,需要你回應。 幸運色是白色。 From:https://www.daily-zo ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2019-10-20T17:36
和射手女是在線上遊戲認識的,原本我們都在同一個語音群組,但不是非常熟,一直到大 約一個半月前他主動找我聊,我們才熟悉起來。他年紀小我半輪,還在念大學,他有煩惱 我自然是很願意跟他聊聊,然後聊著聊著我就被他認乾爹了,還改了遊戲裡的狀態昭告天 下,和他的朋友之類的也完全不避諱。其實原本我也不是很上心,畢竟玩過那種 ...

Daily horoscope 10/20

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2019-10-20T06:41
Sagittarius horoscope for Oct 20 2019 No matter how strong-minded a person is, there is always a way to persuade the m into doing something. You are very ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2019-10-19T23:29
我也是超級大爆發 本來以為週末運勢很好的 跟另一半見面 一起參加朋友的聚會 那ktv大家都有喝酒 她說 ,要有交友空間 讓她喝酒唱歌 結果我去樓下買菸 看到她跟一個男的從一樓廁所 走出來,十指緊扣 然後跟我說, 她喝醉 男生攙扶她 但最好是十指緊扣 而且第二次還在廁所待了十幾分鐘 最後說那男生送她回家 ...