Daily Horoscope 10/29-11/04 - 射手

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-10-27T12:14

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Sagittarius 10/29-11/04

Your week may start with you feeling like you are under a lot of pressure.

It may seem like you are being pulled in different directions by people you ca
re for.

This may have to do with a family squabble or an argument among friends, and e
ach side wants to pull you over to their way of thinking.

Since you don't want to alienate anyone, Sagittarius, your best bet here is to
stay out of it altogether, even if you do lean one way more than the other.

Let them settle it themselves.

A technology issue or some other complex issue may come up this week that requ
ires you to address it.

If you don't feel that you are experien ced enough in this area, reach out to
someone who does know what to do.

Dealing with it without guidance could wind up being very frustrating.

You may feel like a homebody this week, especially toward the end of the week,
desiring to just lounge on the couch and watch old movies, or catch up on you
r reading.

There's nothing wrong with that.

However, a well-meaning friend or loved one may try to entice you into a more
sociable event outside of your home, but don't allow pressure to get to you.

Do what you feel you need right now.

Late in the week, you may choose to get involved in a home-related project.

Even though you may be able to handle it alone, it would be more enjoyable if
you sought help from someone who makes you smile.
Copyright ? Daily Horoscope.













Tags: 射手

All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2018-10-30T20:16
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-10-31T07:07

Daily Horoscope 10/28

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2018-10-27T11:02
Sagittarius 10/28 Some venture or adventure is coming to a close, Sagittarius. You have wrapped it up - hopefully, you have done so successfully - and now ...

Claire's Astrology 10/28

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-10-27T10:27
SAGITTARIUS 10/28 Time is of the essence in love as you battle to work out what the last few day s really meant. Try not to ask friends what you should do ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2018-10-27T10:01
不知各位射手有相同感覺嗎 今年真的好累好難過(在職場困境的一年) 生活也遇不少鳥事 好希望木星快來...... 但又還有個水逆要熬 只好樂觀告訴自己 一切都會好起來 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...

10/27(六)科技紫微網 射手座運勢

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2018-10-27T00:59
心情不錯,適合與朋友談心。 整體運 ★★★★☆ 運勢佳,邀請聯絡不太密切的朋友 來家中做客,可以瞭解一些對方近 期的生活,增進雙方的交流,提升 友誼。也可以與友人一起去俱樂部 打打保齡球,做做健身運動,當成 是娛樂節目。 事業運 ★★★★☆ 衝勁十足,很快就能超越同伴,實 力真是不可小覷。志在必得,易無 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2018-10-26T23:47
認識射手女跟她相處一個月多 出去過幾次,每天都會跟她聊天,有時會聊到天亮 但有時就覺得她有點冷漠、有時又熱情 有牽過手 抱過也親過 但因為她曾經對我說過現在的她不是很好 (我內心想法是可能很多人追吧) 我當下有說我不在意,有表明喜歡她 她叫我不要對她太走心 讓我有點不知道該進還是該退,還是維持現狀? 再她講完 ...