Daily horoscope 10/31 - 射手

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2019-10-31T09:45

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Sagittarius horoscope for Oct 31 2019

There is something about yourself that you can rarely reveal to others. Even t
hose who are closest to you may not be aware of something about you that is ve
ry special, Sagittarius. Today, or very soon, you may have the chance to show
that rare aspect of yourself. Don't be shy. Don't be humble. When you show thi
s facet and allow yourself to shine, you will draw in new opportunities to use
this gift. Not only will this bring you personal satisfaction, but it may als
o open doors that would never have opened for you otherwise.
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Tags: 射手

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Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2019-11-02T16:34
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-11-03T19:33
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2019-11-07T07:58
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2019-11-11T03:37
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2019-11-11T13:25
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2019-11-13T09:47
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2019-11-16T07:21


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-10-31T01:00
今日運勢 2019 / 10 / 31 (四) 打雷閃電 今天有破財跡象,也許東西壞掉要重新添購,或突然想大買特買,身邊有人拉住你比較好,或自己要保持理智。 感情: 感情方面對方叮嚀你改掉某個習慣,你答應卻沒做到,會惹他生氣,不想再容忍。 幸運色是白色。 From:https://www.dail ...

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Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
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Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2019-10-29T08:47
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Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2019-10-28T09:39
Sagittarius horoscope for Oct 28 2019 It is always good to have a plan, Sagittarius. This is something you are well aware of because you are a meticulous ...

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Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2019-10-28T09:21
太陽或上升射手座:這段時間你最大的感受就是,你很想踏踏實實做事情,但耐不住別人 要給你添亂,跟你做比較,不過好在,這週因為水逆的關係,對方也亂了針腳,無暇顧及 你,所以這週你會難得清靜一點。水逆的到來,你可能會有機會故地重遊,或者跟老客戶 再次洽詢合作,如果你是學生,這個時期準備複習,迎接考試非常有效率。也可 ...