Daily Horoscope 11/25 - 射手
![Olivia avatar](/img/woman-biz.jpg)
By Olivia
at 2016-11-24T23:45
at 2016-11-24T23:45
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Sagittarius horoscope for Nov 25 2016
There may be odd clues and circumstances that will cause you to think someone
doesn't have your best interests at heart. It may seem very logical, and you
may have no reason to believe you aren't right Sagittarius, but you could be
wrong anyway. Even though the odds seem to be stacked against a situation,
and even though you may have good cause to be suspicious, that still doesn't
mean you are right in your suspicion, Sagittarius. Explore further and look
at the situation carefully from a more distant perspective before you come to
any conclusions.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
在這個世界上 很多人都只相信自己所看到的那樣
但 很多事情 其實是無法只用肉眼來判斷的
再對任何事得出結論之前 就請審慎的探求吧
There may be odd clues and circumstances that will cause you to think someone
doesn't have your best interests at heart. It may seem very logical, and you
may have no reason to believe you aren't right Sagittarius, but you could be
wrong anyway. Even though the odds seem to be stacked against a situation,
and even though you may have good cause to be suspicious, that still doesn't
mean you are right in your suspicion, Sagittarius. Explore further and look
at the situation carefully from a more distant perspective before you come to
any conclusions.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
在這個世界上 很多人都只相信自己所看到的那樣
但 很多事情 其實是無法只用肉眼來判斷的
再對任何事得出結論之前 就請審慎的探求吧
All Comments
![Ethan avatar](/img/woman-glasses.jpg)
By Ethan
at 2016-11-25T17:02
at 2016-11-25T17:02
![Regina avatar](/img/woman-ring.jpg)
By Regina
at 2016-11-25T18:51
at 2016-11-25T18:51
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