Daily Horoscope 11/4 - 射手

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-11-03T23:52

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Sagittarius horoscope for Nov 4 2016

A chance to take on a bigger role at work may come to you soon. This role may
come with greater responsibility and perhaps more money, but you may fear
that it will complicate your life in a way that is uncomfortable for you.
Since you probably won't have a chance to take this role for a test run, you
need to run it through your mind and imagine all of the virtues and all of
the downside. Don't make an impulsive decision either way, Sagittarius - make
an informed decision that you will be able to live with happily.

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聰明如你 適時的動動腦 很多事情都能夠解決的

作決定前 也請記得 三思 三思 再三思


Tags: 射手

All Comments

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2016-11-05T13:54
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2016-11-10T06:19
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2016-11-15T05:56
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2016-11-16T22:23


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2016-11-03T16:59
以下是152獅子女被187射手男獵取的點滴 真心覺得我們根本是在演偶像劇! 內有大量閃光,請備妥墨鏡!●。● ----- ※各種抱法(轉圈圈、背後抱、公主抱、單手攬抱) 因為身高差的關係,他可以很輕易的把我抱起來 但他抱的地點都很不管別人的目光 像是在停車場從後面衝過來抱我往前衝~到電梯 然後看我一臉呆滯的樣 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2016-11-02T11:16
最近工作上不是很順利 有時候上班都有氣無力的 想找朋友聊聊 但朋友也都有自己的事情 也怕自己把情緒帶給別人 自己一直憋著也是覺得很悶 不知道該怎麼消化這些情緒 有射手們最近也是這樣嗎… - ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-11-02T01:07
今日運勢 2016 / 11 / 02 (三) 陰 今天不適合處理金錢方面的事情,因為會在手續上有困難或遇到不可靠的人。 感情: 感情方面生活習慣是雙方吵架的原因,建議要自我反省或不要一直嘮叨對方。 幸運色是灰色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-11-02T00:01
[請在文章開頭或是結尾明確告知板友 你想問的問題是什麼] [以及你個人的想法或是期望] andlt;andlt;此三行請於發文前刪除 謝謝andgt;andgt; 各位射手大大你好 小弟有幸跟射女交往 但是射手好像很容易生氣!? 不知道是否是真的? 請問各位射手大 射手生氣時,該怎麼處理會最適當? ...

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