Daily Horoscope 11/8 - 射手

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2016-11-07T23:47

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Sagittarius horoscope for Nov 8 2016

Some people are natural dancers. They can hear the music, fall into its
rhythm, and move gracefully across the dance floor - whether they've had
formal dance lessons or not. You have a natural gift too, but maybe it isn't
the one you would choose if you had a choice. However, Sagittarius, that may
just be because you haven't fully explored it yet. You may have dabbled in
it. But you haven't given yourself the chance to enjoy what it would feel
like to explore and express your gift. You owe it to yourself to try.

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不用去羨慕其他人 因為你也擁有了他們所沒有的

而你只需要做的就是 對這個世界 盡情的去摸索 去探索



Tags: 射手

All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2016-11-08T22:53
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-11-12T16:54


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-11-07T00:32
今日運勢 2016 / 11 / 07 (一) 晴時多雲 今天若太過躁進,好事也無法突顯好效果,因此要學習不要著急對你比較好。 感情: 感情方面不是你說了算,本來很聽話的另一半態度會大轉變,讓你很不習慣。 幸運色是橘色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 - ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2016-11-06T23:51
學測 75天 生日 26天 指考237天 失戀 86天 兄弟生日6天 曾經笑著說 壓力是什麼 ? 現在只能說,抱歉,我小看倒數、過譽自己了。 我真的快被壓倒了,事情一件接著一件的來,書本在面前堆積如山卻一點也不想翻開。 也許會想:該振作了,但口動心不動。 虛度著光陰,再欺騙自己還有明天。 但我還有幾個明天 ...

這樣幫射手男友過生日可以嗎? (代PO)

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-11-06T23:49
【第一次在射手版發文,有觸犯版規麻煩告知andgt;andlt;】 我朋友男友的生日快到了,她想送禮物給男友,但她男友一直說不用 但朋友還是想送禮物,然後簡單的慶生,問問看這樣可不可以? 以下代PO ----------- 反正就是呢...我跟我男友說我要送他生日禮物(他12/7生日),他一直說不用破 ...

Daily Horoscope 11/7

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2016-11-06T21:35
Sagittarius horoscope for Nov 7 2016 The stars are encouraging you to listen to someoneand#39;s message. If that message is not obvious, go out and look f ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2016-11-06T17:46
我有一個朋友她射手女 與她關係也處的不錯 回訊息也常常秒回 但有一個讓我不習慣的地方在於 每次只要聊天到了結尾 例如我說:晚安or早點睡 她就不會已讀也不會回了 (我確定她還沒關機 板上的女生會這樣嗎?還是說她覺得不必要回這樣? 謝謝 - ...