Daily Horoscope 11月月運勢 - 獅子

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2018-11-02T09:34

Table of Contents

As November begins, Leo, you may have a lot going on, and you may be worried
about much of it. There is so much to do that involves a deadline that you may
wonder how you will get it all done.


But instead of worrying, channel that energy into creating a structured plan
with dates and notes that direct you on what to do, and if you follow your own
plan (and you are a good planner, Leo), then you will proceed successfully and
with less stress and anxiety.

*structure: 組織


In addition to working at completing all of your obligations and
responsibilities this month, you need to allow yourself some time for
indulging in a hobby. Whatever you enjoy, be it flea-market shopping,
painting, reading, sailing, or anything else, you need to write it into
your schedule in pen so that you have that time to yourself to restore
your vigor and your lust for life.

*In addition to: 此外


A hobby of some kind could actually become a money-maker for you if you work
at it solidly and build your skills, which could provide you with additional
income as well as a wonderful outlet. November would be a good time to take a
look into this.


An emotional conversation could set the tone of the latter part of November.
This conversation could prove to be quite cathartic for you and for someone
you love, leaving you feeling lighter and more motivated to be happy.

*cathartic: (情緒)渲洩的


cr. http://comitic.com/dh



Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-11-05T18:12
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2018-11-06T10:57
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2018-11-09T12:23
是嗎 嗚嗚嗚 最近好多事 但是都好混亂(完全呼應了
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2018-11-11T06:29
重點都放在感情上 ( ̄y▽ ̄)~
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-11-14T22:21
有準有推 11月要看金馬又卡一堆報告 拼一波
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-11-18T15:48
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-11-19T10:44

11/02 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2018-11-02T07:25
今日運勢 2018 / 11 / 02 (五) 晴 今天適合簽約或合作,雙方可以相談勝歡並達成協議,同時也讓你的身價有被肯定的感覺 。 感情方面是兩情相悅的一天,建議要好好把握與對方互動的機會。 幸運色是白色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/daily-zodiac/zod ...

Alex是大叔 獅子座2018年11月運勢

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-11-01T10:25
整體: 月初,金星會來到你的交流宮位,也是掌管著出行的溝通,所以在月初的時候你就會確認 幾個要出行的計劃,甚至要開始預訂票務和酒店了。當然,金星也因為它處於逆行的狀態 ,所以可能會有機會跟某個曾經誤解或者關係比較緊張的人再次聊一聊,緩解關係的緊張 或者解開誤解,有一些人則是還在思念著舊情人,這個時期 ...

11/01 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2018-11-01T07:17
今日運勢 2018 / 11 / 01 (四) 陰 今天有人會挑戰你的性格,例如:哪壺不開提哪壺、開你難以忍受的玩笑…等,不妨當作 是修身養性的一天。 感情方面你的固執令對方覺得很難溝通,建議要調整一下你的態度。 幸運色是黑色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/daily-z ...

11/1 Daily Horoscope

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2018-10-31T21:33
You may now be considering taking on a labor of love. Even though you may have many other balls in the air right now, Leo, this is something that is specia ...

小乖麻 獅子座201811-201903半年運勢

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2018-10-31T17:48
一切好與壞的經歷,都將成爲你人生的體驗 2018年對你們來說無疑是充滿困難的,事事都會被推到人前,且無法獲得理解和幫助。而 受到土星在摩羯座,你6宮內的影響。你亦會看到更多工作中、生活中的人情冷暖世態炎 涼。這則會讓你變得孤獨。 這樣的狀況或將在2018年底的時間獲得改觀,對孤獨的適應正在讓你變得強大 ...