Daily horoscope 12/04 - 獅子

By Joseph
at 2015-12-03T19:37
at 2015-12-03T19:37
Table of Contents
You need a solution to a big problem, and that means you mean a big solution -
or at least that may be how it seems. If you are feeling overwhelmed about what
you're facing, Leo, you could easily assume that the "fix" for the problem will
have to be even bigger than the problem itself. However, you might just need a
very simple tweak to get everything back on track. If you're having trouble
thinking because your dilemma is making you anxious, seek out a friend or
associate to help you think it through. A bit of brainstorming could provide
you with a fairly simple solution that will relieve you of this stress very
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All Comments

By Blanche
at 2015-12-08T12:24
at 2015-12-08T12:24

By Victoria
at 2015-12-12T06:28
at 2015-12-12T06:28

By Leila
at 2015-12-16T20:15
at 2015-12-16T20:15

By Valerie
at 2015-12-19T05:30
at 2015-12-19T05:30

By Joe
at 2015-12-21T11:10
at 2015-12-21T11:10

By David
at 2015-12-26T04:53
at 2015-12-26T04:53
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