Daily horoscope 12/21 - 射手

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2019-12-21T06:48

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Sagittarius horoscope for Dec 21 2019

You may have been counting on someone to do something for you that involved a
key element of an obligation you need to fulfill. But although that person has
made many promises and reassurances, Sagittarius, it still has not happened.
Although you would like to believe that this person will still come through fo
r you, the fact remains that you can't risk the possibility that they will not
come through for you. Since this is something you can do for yourself - even
though it may complicate things - you would be wise to get this done yourself,
so you can check it off your list.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic





Tags: 射手

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2019-12-25T09:20
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2019-12-30T04:36
靠山山倒 靠自己最好


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-12-20T08:42

Daily horoscope 12/19

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2019-12-19T09:41
Sagittarius horoscope for Dec 19 2019 If you have been wondering about someoneand#39;s motives, Sagittarius, you may think you can figure it out by askin ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2019-12-19T03:05
終於到了這一天啊!! 回顧了以前的點點滴滴,有歡樂有淚水 但最近的工作有點不順,希望今年的生日過後可以好轉 不好的事情都能順利的過去!! 祝自己生日快樂!!! 也祝福同樣今天生日的版友們生日快樂,事事順心! - ...

1219 Happy Birthday

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2019-12-19T01:49
今年發生了很多事,慶幸的是家人朋友都安好,這是最高興的事。年末了,該好好計畫一 下明年的目標。 即將要去澳洲闖蕩一年,很緊張,但更多的是期待在陌生城市冒險的心情,希望一切順利 ! 也希望大家都心想事成,祝我們生日快樂! - ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2019-12-19T01:04
今日運勢 2019 / 12 / 19 (四) 晴時多雲 今天有出國的可能,只要有人跟你談你就會很想答應,若最近剛好有人跟你聊是否要一起出國玩之類,不妨答應吧。 感情: 感情方面彼此默契足夠,互相幫助就是最實際的支持,也會讓你覺得特別窩心。 幸運色是咖啡色。 https://www.daily-z ...