Daily horoscope 12/26 - 射手

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2019-12-26T10:18

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Sagittarius horoscope for Dec 26 2019

Cutting back on your many obligations and creating a very organized schedule w
ill contribute greatly to your peace of mind. If you are feeling overwhelmed,
there is nothing worse than scattering your energy here and there and feeling
like you are accomplishing very little. But if you take charge of lessening yo
ur workload and create a strategy for handling what remains, you will have a s
ense of control over all of it. Make this your priority today, Sagittarius.
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Tags: 射手

All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2019-12-27T05:52
糟糕 要準了?
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2019-12-28T19:20
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2020-01-01T12:12


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2019-12-26T01:47
原本跟公司中的射女聯絡熱絡 也有一起出去幾次 某次約會後隔天射手女開始冷落我 就是見到我不再會主動開啟話題 聊的幾乎都是公事,極少私事 眼神從以往會對著我看 變成了不敢直視,或是看了一下眼神就飄走了 而我跟她旁邊有同事時 以前會跟我聊的話題,現在都講給我同事聽(?) 然後瞬間就變回原本那個大剌剌的女生 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2019-12-26T01:27
今日運勢 2019 / 12 / 26 (四) 陰 今天工作上容易犯小錯,雖然事情很小,但你可能很扼腕,仔細一點比較不會悔恨,完美主義才不會發作。 感情: 感情方面你太重視細節,或太在乎一些小事,要讓別人知道你的原則,以免他們踩線。 幸運色是紅色。 https://www.daily-zodiac ...

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Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2019-12-24T00:45
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