Daily Horoscope 12/5 - 射手

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-12-04T23:20

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Sagittarius horoscope for Dec 5 2016

If you are traveling to a far-away address you have never visited before, you
might rely on a map to get there. But if it only took you so far because of
recent changes in the streetscape, you might get lost as you got close to
your destination. To further confound you - what if the street sign for that
address had been knocked down? You would have to somehow figure out how to
find your destination. Maybe you would need to make a phone call to someone
who knows the area or use another creative solution. That may be what you'll
have to do with a new endeavor if some of your resources have failed you.
Where there's a will, there's a way, Sagittarius. Be bold and inventive today
to do seemingly impossible!

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Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-12-08T15:24
╰ひ╯ (  ̄ O  ̄ )╰ひ╯ 射


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-12-04T13:51
射手月到了,今天是我最愛的一位射手姐姐生日 潛水射手版這麼久,第一次浮出水面來唱高調一下 接下來,明天我的射手男神生日 後天我的射手女王(媽咪)生日 也補一下11/24,我的射手大嫂生日快樂 兩位正妹跟真正家人一樣親, 讓我體驗到給她們疼愛真的好幸福 希望男神可以讓我趕快感受到!!! 祝射手們生日快樂喔 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2016-12-04T11:57
忙到炸 工作工作工作 交報告考試 然後我感恩節買了PS4喔耶(終於 買了耳機買了吉他買了音箱 我要準備吃土了 有沒有哪裡土比較好吃的八卦 謝謝大家的祝福 版聚順利 應該有人記得我吧(邊緣XDD 加油ORZ -- 有些人不能在一起,可他們的心在一起; 有些人表面上在一起,心卻無法在一起; ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-12-04T11:01
有那麼一個重要的人 你期望自己在這一天收到他的祝賀... 不管他會不會來 都還是祝自己生日快樂 今天的朋友們也祝福你們喔 在這重要的一天 有些事情也該好好做決定 下定決心啦! 生日快樂~我對自己說 XD - ...

Daily Horoscope 12/3

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-12-04T02:01
Sagittarius horoscope for Dec 3 2016 You may be looking for a window of opportunity that will allow you to explore a dream. If so, have you been looking h ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2016-12-04T00:01
今天是我生日 首先謝謝老婆的體諒跟容忍 讓我們能順利的前往新加坡展開一段新的旅程 所有先前的準備都是為了今天在這裡一起生活的墊腳石 如今終於得償所願了 終於在我們結婚後能真正的一起住 一起煮飯 逛街 當一個平凡夫妻的生活 雖然還有一些困難需要解決 但是我想只要有老婆在就一定能度過的! 妳說是 ...