Daily horoscope 12/5 - 射手

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2019-12-05T09:32

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Sagittarius horoscope for Dec 5 2019

You don't have the power to change the color of the sky. But, if you were to p
aint the sky on canvas, Sagittarius, you could paint it any color you like. In
other words, when you use your creativity, you can create the world you choos
e to inhabit. You may not like something about your life right now, but you ma
y not feel that you have the power to change certain aspects of it. However, w
ith creativity, you can change some vital elements of it in your own mind, and
that may be enough to endure and thrive in an unpleasant or tough situation.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic






Tags: 射手

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2019-12-08T04:14
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2019-12-09T12:11
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2019-12-11T11:57

Daily horoscope 12/4

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2019-12-04T09:44
Sagittarius horoscope for Dec 4 2019 A difficult and perhaps hurtful period in your life is ending, Sagittarius. Bu t you have gotten so used to certain t ...

射男冷處理 結束了嗎?

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2019-12-04T02:36
請問這樣是被冷處理 關係結束了嗎? 哈囉~大家好 我是最近一直在射版潛水的! 先前有發過一篇文 其實呢...事實上了... 沒有封鎖的問題啦! 重新互追蹤就正常了 後來九月也有順利出遊 一直到十一月都相處很愉快 女方這邊早晚問安! 男方有空都會回 互動整體來說還算不錯 只是有稍微小吵 因為男方也在跟其他 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2019-12-04T00:53
今日運勢 2019 / 12 / 04 (三) 晴 今天有貴人運,你只要開口,支援就會到,事情比你想像的順利,是幸運的一天。 感情: 感情方面有職場戀情機會,彼此都能在對方面前展現自己的能力,讓別人覺得你們很相配。 幸運色是紫色。 From:https://www.daily-zodiac.co ...

Daily horoscope 12/3

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2019-12-03T10:05
Sagittarius horoscope for Dec 3 2019 When you are going through a difficult experience, it can seem that hurt and h eartbreak are simply your lot in life. ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-12-03T01:49
新的輪迴 本月3號,你的主星木星將會離開你的本位進入到摩羯座,來到你的2宮財帛宮位。並且會 在這裡停留上一年1年左右的時間,直到20年的12月中旬才會離開。這意味著在未來一年 的時間裡,你們都將會投身於和錢財、物質相關的領域。重塑價值觀、建立全新的盈利模 式、消費模式等。雖然我們常常會聽到類似於這樣的論調, ...