Daily horoscope 2/12 - 射手

By Dinah
at 2018-02-12T09:05
at 2018-02-12T09:05
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Sagittarius horoscope for Monday Feb 12
If you had a favorite food - say, for example, scrambled eggs - you might reli
sh the thought of enjoying it for breakfast. But if you ate nothing but scramb
led eggs every day, for three meals a day, you would probably get tired of it
pretty soon. Even the things we really love, can become boring and unwanted if
we overdo it. You have been chasing a goal, and you have been diligent in you
r efforts, Sagittarius, but it may become tiring and monotonous if you don't g
ive yourself a break and some variation now and then. Since this goal is so sp
ecial, break up your time, and distill your efforts for greater power.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
If you had a favorite food - say, for example, scrambled eggs - you might reli
sh the thought of enjoying it for breakfast. But if you ate nothing but scramb
led eggs every day, for three meals a day, you would probably get tired of it
pretty soon. Even the things we really love, can become boring and unwanted if
we overdo it. You have been chasing a goal, and you have been diligent in you
r efforts, Sagittarius, but it may become tiring and monotonous if you don't g
ive yourself a break and some variation now and then. Since this goal is so sp
ecial, break up your time, and distill your efforts for greater power.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Valerie
at 2018-02-16T02:16
at 2018-02-16T02:16

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at 2018-02-18T05:36
at 2018-02-18T05:36

By Jacob
at 2018-02-21T04:17
at 2018-02-21T04:17
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