Daily Horoscope 2019/05/01 - 天秤

By Vanessa
at 2019-05-01T10:03
at 2019-05-01T10:03
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Libra horoscope for 星期三 5月 1
Libra horoscope for 星期三 5月 1
Yours is the sign of justice and balance, Libra. You often set an example for the world to see in the way you live your life. But right now, you may be having antagonistic feelings toward someone, and perhaps the urge to play unfairly because you were treated unfairly in an important matter. You probably won't follow through with that, though, because you really are too justice-minded at heart to do so. There is no harm in fantasizing of course, but it might be helpful to take a more empathetic approach.
Instead of expressing anger even in fantasy, try finding a way to empathize. It will make you feel better and less anxious.
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Sent from JPTT on my Sony H4493.
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By Wallis
at 2019-05-04T17:35
at 2019-05-04T17:35
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