Daily Horoscope 2020/03/17 - 命運

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2020-03-17T16:13

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出處:Libra horoscope for Mar 17 2020

There are times when it feels like we are not in control of our lives. It may
seem like the universe already has a plan for us, and no matter what we do,
it won't work out unless the universe allows it. If you are feeling powerless
to control your own destiny now, dear Libra, you need to know that you are
far more powerful than you realize. Even though you don't always feel like
you are making any progress, your efforts do matter. You may not see it yet,
but the energy and love you have put into a certain project is making a big
difference. Keep on going.


Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic

Tags: 命運

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Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2020-03-17T01:23
我的星座或生日:我瓶女我真誠我驕傲。傲嬌?留給瓶男和獅子吧。 (其實我覺得最傲嬌的是月亮天蠍) hi,大家好,我又來嘮叨啦! 這篇其實從去年我就想寫,想說…土星他老人家來視察前再警醒一次大家吧。 只是嘛,嘿嘿嘿……我提前得知我其中一個土星課題,所以拖延到今天啦! 言歸 ...

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Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2020-03-05T21:25
You may be experiencing some gloomy thoughts about your life or your future, Moonchild. You may think that somehow you strayed away from the path that you ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2020-02-10T10:56
感謝水瓶版在每一個心事重重的夜晚,為我端上一碗心靈雞湯。 雖然明白星座其實是統計學加上一點機率, 但每次在板友的文字中找到共鳴時還是要感嘆命運一番。 - 2019給自己的的課題是「喜歡自己」, 因為總是要求自己要達到理想中的樣子而讓身心靈處於高壓狀態, 我自己覺得沒有什麼壓力, 但高中畢業後開始冒出的白 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2020-01-21T01:51
我的星座或生日:1/21 說也奇怪,真的要回顧這一整年怎麼過的時候,反而很難有一個清晰的結論 但大方向還是有的,因為浮上腦海的清一色都不是什麼好詞, 適逢鼠年,鼠的形象確實就很符合自己這一年的遭遇,以及自己的心境, 那就是「畏縮」、「逃命」,還有「撿別人吃剩的」,總之不是什麼好詞, 但這一年的遭遇 ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2020-01-19T23:37
如題~我處女男友生氣了我男友他真的很愛生氣,一生氣就不說話,生悶氣,我如何改變他的個性,有時我真的很受不了� ...