Daily Horoscope 2020/10/29 - 天秤

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2020-10-29T17:39

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Libra horoscope for Thursday Oct 29

If you were headed down a steep slope on a sled, and you could see that a giant
tree was right ahead of you in your path, you would have to make a sharp turn to
avoid hitting it. If you panicked and just kept going, you would be due for one
earth-shattering headache. But by steering the sled in another direction, you c
ould avoid all that. Although you may be headed quickly in the wrong direction w
ith a certain negotiation or venture, Libra, you can make a change. Veer off int
o something different to avoid a painful collision.








Tags: 天秤

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Daily Horoscope 2020/10/28

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2020-10-28T14:41
Libra horoscope for Wednesday Oct 28 Many schools have stopped teaching children how to write in cursive. That may be because so much is done electronic ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2020-10-27T22:21
今日運勢 2020 / 10 / 28 (三) 陰 今天容易遇到藉口很多、喜歡偷懶的類型,做事不夠慎重讓你感到氣憤,不需要太過容忍,該如何應對是關鍵。 感情方面你不太懂得拒絕,然而勇敢說不很重要,請相信自己的直覺。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...

Daily Horoscope 2020/10/27

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-10-27T16:20
Libra horoscope for Tuesday Oct 27 When we have a conversation with someone - even someone we see often and know qu ite well - we often dance around the n ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2020-10-26T21:50
今日運勢 2020 / 10 / 27 (二) 雨 今天心情不太愉快,也許是討厭的人過太好,或你的麻煩事沒有解決,感到很辛苦,保持自己的步伐前進就好。 感情方面比較不能得到對方的幫助或體諒,很多事情來得不湊巧,請多加忍耐。 幸運色是膚色。 - ...

Alex是大叔 10/26~11/01 天秤座本週運

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2020-10-26T09:09
太陽或上升天秤座:由於水星還在逆行,溝通的情況依舊不太順暢,特別容易出現誤解或 者信息錯漏的情況,而且這週如果涉及攜帶,購買或者領取某樣東西的時候,務必確認好 對接人員,以免出現疏漏。但這週你的守護星金星會來到你的星座,你的運勢會開始得到 改善和加持,週三後格外明顯,金星會帶來貴人,這週會有人幫你解決或者代勞 ...