Daily Horoscope 2021/06/03 - 金牛

By Carolina Franco
at 2021-06-02T11:29
at 2021-06-02T11:29
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Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jun 3
You may be anticipating criticism - some of it harsh, perhaps - from someone you believe is judging you. Maybe you are working on something important, and that individual has some role of authority, or at least the ear of someone who does. Or maybe this is just someone you think highly of whose opinion you value. It doesn't matter. If you are dreading their assessment, Taurus, take a moment to think about the worst things they could say. Assuming they are accurate, none of those things will be anything
you can't modify or learn from. Don't stress over this!
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
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Don't take it personal !
Sent from JPTT on my Google Pixel 3a.
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