Daily Horoscope 2021/08/27 - 金牛

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2021-08-26T21:05

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Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 27
You may be trying to nail down an agreement, a contract, or a commitment of some kind, and you might realize it has proven to be difficult. But don't let that stop you from trying again, Taurus. Although the emotional climate may not have been great for what you were trying to do in the past, things are definitely changing. A good analogy would be that the tide is coming in, and it is full and laden with certain types of beneficial aspects for you. When you approach this matter this time, do so with the
certainty that you will find a way to make it happen.
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Tags: 金牛

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2021-08-30T03:21
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2021-09-02T09:37
加油 嗚嗚嗚


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2021-08-26T18:37
卡西娜-這些星座婚後控制欲爆棚 https://www.stars12.com/2021/04/blog-post_87.html 伊明-跟這些星座談戀愛就一個字,累! https://www.stars12.com/2021/04/blog-post_8.html 占星小巫2021直到年底偏財運超旺的星 ...

Alex是大叔 近期占星提醒 水海冥小三角

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2021-08-26T12:19
雙重標準是什麼呢?可能是對自己有一套要求標準,對別人有一套要求標準;也或者是, 對“外人”有一套標準,對“自己人”適用於另一套標準。那麼,這幾天,你有沒有體會 到“雙標”呢?海王星、冥王星都跟水星出現互動,這是一個值得我們反思的問題,究竟 ,何謂“標準”,以及標準的適用範圍是什麼?有時候我們的言行雖然“微不足 ...

2021/08/26 唐綺陽/雨

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2021-08-26T00:00
雨 今天容易陷入人情壓力,面對職場上許多人找你幫忙,你不容易果斷拒絕,結果給自己攬 下不必要的繁重工作。感情方面與另一半相處你的態度表現容易受對方影響,遇強則強、 對方柔軟你也就柔軟。幸運色是藍色。 - ...

Daily Horoscope 2021/08/26

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2021-08-25T20:18
不管現在天空有多麼美、多麼藍,阿牛呀,你都能確定某處有烏雲在聚集。在附近有個地方,也許就在你頭頂上方,終將會受暴風雨侵襲。這是生命的一部分,就算是陰天或是大雨都有帶來生命的意義。你或許正焦急等待著私人生活中的一個難題。它也許不方便,但是它也有機會能為你的生活帶來好處。去思考一下它究竟是大雨還是甘霖,而你就能正 ...

Geo 9月/展鈺凝/裴恩/帕特里克愛情周運

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2021-08-25T19:42
裴恩一週星座運勢8/22-8/28 http://www.stars12.com/2021/08/822-828_54.html 展鈺凝一週星座運勢8/22-8/28 http://www.stars12.com/2021/08/822-828_9.html 帕特里克一週星座愛情運勢8/22-8/28 h ...